
Just get the director of The Artist and make it a film with no dialogue. I would like to see Hollywood take more creative measures with video game adaptations. Not sci-fi bs.

I hope so, but there aren't many devs who will take this man's genius storytelling. It's like they take him in and then get rid of him (Level-5 for Crimson Shroud, Platinum for MadWorld, and Square-Enix contracted him for the remake of Tactics Ogre). Or maybe that's what he likes. I dunno.

Why you gotta do this to me man? I didn't hear this news. I had this crazy hope that Matsuno-san would one day come back to Ivalice. Crap.

And, with the price of making and selling games being way too high, we're seeing a lot less risks taken on consoles and finding them on Apple's App Store and Kickstarter. I love gaming, but I have this bad feeling that something similar to the great gaming market crash way back when is going to rear it's ugly head

It's not as good as the PC version. =\ but something is something right?

Believe it, friend! Can't wait!

I feel ya. It happens. I personally couldn't get into these games. I was excited for Demon's Souls before it even hit the US. I watched every Japanese trailer and all that. When I finally played it I was like, "yup, not for me."

I take it you didn't read the link that was posted. 3to4 GB and $19.99.

Interestingly enough, I just started playing this again. For like the 10th time. Thanks to PS+ of course. This game is so good. Ramza is my second favorite male Final Fantasy character (Balthier being number 1, duuuh, and he's in the PSP version. Whoo).

I got Eri and Rin's good endings. After Rin I couldn't play any more. The content is way too strong. And I don't mean the pr0n either.

Agreed. Since they're supposedly working on FF X HD version they should just put FF XII on PSN. I love XII so much!

You are delirious son. Next you're gonna tell me Xbox Live is worth whatever price you pay for it.

And watch Dark Souls 2 run at a crap framerate as well.

All I have to say is MAV-ER-ICK HUNTER. Whoo.

"New engine" = runs crappy on PS3, most likely.

Sooooo any chancre this game comes out here to the West? No? Okay, thanks. I wanted to ask anyway.

Next to Final Fantasy I would say that Kingdom Hearts is an important franchise...err...money maker for SquareEnix. With that being said, I gotta say, I have no faith in those bums releasing this overseas. Plus with Disney saying that they want out of the games industry I don't think a Kingdom Hearts III with Marvel

Nomura already said there won't be a special movie at the end of the game announcing the next KH game. Because Square-Enix is evil and they hate children.

Well, they closed Cavia, but those devs are still around and I hope those guys' talents do not go to waste.

I think they released this trailer this late so all the news outlets and their respective podcasts wouldn't bash it as badly. SquareEnix can't win with the Lightning saga stuff. I said it once and I'll say it again, going from Final Fantasy XII to Final Fantasy XIII was a step in the wrong direction. Even if the story