
OMG! That was honestly the best description for Final Fantasy XIII lmaoo. I usually go with typical Shonen Manga BS, but your description fits well.

You guys gave us good prospects, but to me, they're just prospects. R.A. was one of the only reasons to still go to games late into the season. He was amazing with the fans and just a real treat to listen to in interviews and all that. I hope he does well for you guys. The AL East needs a shift in the balance of

I think fans of Final Fantasy have been burned by the FFVII compilation titles. Those entries shed a really bad light on what FF VII was. Sure it was about the world ending by a wannabe psudo god in Sephiroth, but the characters were really special in my opinion. Cloud was an jackass at first but then you see his

Cabrera won the freakin' TRIPLE CROWN. How is he not a lock for the cover?!

Hey man, screw you! I mean that in the nicest way possible. I'm a salty Mets fan, forgive me.

Depends if you like a good story. The story in this universe is pretty dumb and the characters feel like they were ripped right out of a shonen manga.

I have to agree. Those two can't have dead characters in a story and leave them dead for some reason. I'm not saying X-2 was bad. The story was dumb, but the dressphere stuff was so addicting and fun. XIII however...not so much.

Ha! The suits at Square-Enix are too cheap and dumb to think of outsourcing a project that they have such high regard for. If that were the case we'd have a localized Type-0 in HD on Vita AND at least a demo for Versus XIII. lmao.

Fans have every right to complain about a beloved franchise. Especially one with such high prestige as Final Fantasy. While I agree some of the bitching can get obnoxious, it is warranted. Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 were not received well by fans and critics alike. And it's not like the fans (myself included)

I appreciate your excitement for this game. But I hate anything that has to do with Assassin's Creed. Eff that franchise. And I did say "we'll see". I know that framerate usually comes late in development cycles. Also, my gripe with SE is on how they've put XIII in the forefront because they spent so much money

In what world is that costume fine?! That ish cray! And c'mon man, people have a reason for disliking FFXIII. It wasn't a good game by many people's standard. Also, how can you say it looks fine when it clearly had framerate issues. Granted this could be early footage but still, at this point I give Square no passes

The modern setting and the world map has me excited. I'm one of the people whom purchased a PS3 the same year Final Fantasy Versus XIII was shown. Never again will I fall for that trap.

I love you so much right now. +all the internets right now.

Looks alright. But I just don't understand the fascination that Square has with this character. She sucks. And sucks in a major way. She's not even a smartass like Cloud was. She's nothing like Cloud. And shame on Square for extending this game into THREE entries. They should have just taken the L and moved on after

Thank you. She is NOTHING like Cloud. I don't know what the hell SE was thinking when they wrote her character. Cloud was a wise-cracking goofball and all around good guy. Lightning was just a bitch.

You sir are right. And I agree with the Rinoa thing. But at least the gameplay looks like it COULD be fun. I fell into the FFXIII trap but skipped XIII-2. I'll take a wait and see approach for this one.

Nono. I did beat the game. I 5 starred Orphan. Bodied him free. Racism has everything to do with fear/hatred and the unknown. Also, I mean come on, Lightning is a terrible character dude. She was not redeemed at the end. The only good/believable characters in that game were Sazh and Fang.

I picked up Pokémon White on the cheap a few months ago. Haven't played a Pokémon game since Ruby. That was in I'd say September. I've since logged 90+ hours into this game. It's so good. The monster designs of the newer generations have never bothered me and I will say, Gen V has some awesome looking Pokémon. I mean

The story in FF XIII fell apart in my opinion. They had something going with the theme of racism (the whole people Gran Pulse vs Cocoon thing) but never explored on that. The characters felt like they came straight out of a shonen manga and Lightning is probably the worst Final Fantasy protagonist in the whole series.

I agree. VI is overrated and boring. IV is the ish.