
Funny enough Final Fantasy XII is in my top 3 Final Fantasy games. It's IV, XII then VII for me.

Agreed 100%. I stopped playing after the fist rescue mission because of this. It's so annoying. But that's pretty much every game on iOS that doesn't have native touch controls.

Biggest mistake Square-Enix made? Announce Final Fantasy XIII-3 and leave other titles that fans have been eagerly anticipating in limbo.

Being concussed is indeed manly.

Brofist.jpg all the way.

And when you drink it your testosterone levels grow exponentially. Like baseball suspension levels of testosterone.

I'm a bearded grizzly manly man...but I have to say, OMG SOO CUTE SUPER KAWAII DESUU. Ahem. *goes and drinks Dr. Pepper 10 - because it's for men*.

Sounds like a plan to me! Although I'll admit, can't have that much Dew. It'll kill you. Dorito's though. Gotta have that stuff. Plus some sour cream and onion Pringles.


Here's the difference: if you want to play with your homies online, you'll have to pay on ecksbawkes. On puraystasion sree the online is free and PS+ is optional.

Well. I stand corrected. Thanks. I remember reading the very first Pokémon manga. I thought it was a one shot and just ended where Red defeats Blue in the Pokémon League.

I agree, but the manga is like one book.

Awesooooome. I'll send a friend request soon.

I bought the 3G+Wifi bundle at launch. While I don't have the 3G activated currently, it was useful when it was. I would access 'near' while at school and get all sorts of goodies for the games I played and stuff. Pretty sweet. But the 3G beyond that (and uploading high scores and the like) is pretty useless. In truth

Do you have Ragnarok Odyssey? I'm looking for people to quest with. Between that and Black Ops 2 (on PS3) I haven't played any other games that have been released. Lol.

I don't know it it'll fail or not. I hope it succeeds. Plus anything Dan Hsu says is irrelevant to me. That guy is such a troll and sucks at his job.