


PS+ AND a 16-32 GB card. The card is very important.

Don't want to get a Vita? That's cool. You can also play it on PS2. It's still good.

So happy more people get to play this. Unfortunately, you're both wrong with your lady choice. I can't say whom I chose because it'll be a spoilaaaar, but its either Chie or this other female. Her voice actress really won me over. So sexy.

Hmmm Mitsuru is hawt though. She was my main social link fo sho'!

You are 100% correct, BUT, P3 and P4 are easily obtainable. P1 has been re-released on PSP, but it seems people really hate touching the PSP. And then there's Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment. Fans entering the franchise will get confused by the nature of the game having two entries that are full fledged

Unfortunately you have a point. I would really love to see both P2' s remade into the existing engine as a downloadable game.

Play P4. It's the most refined. The story is great, plus Naoto and Chie. Doooooo it!

The Almighty is godlike. I love that track. Especially when fighting in P4A. Anyway, P4 soundtrack way better in my opinion.

I truly believe there is going to be another gaming market crash. Not as bad as it was back in the late '70s early '80s, but close. Publishers and developers alike have not found the middle ground when it comes to producing content. They want movie level quality, but seldom do they have the budget to afford it. Why

It's funny you put Final Fantasy VII as the screencap. I've been playing it on my Vita. On disc 3 already, but I avoided most battles with the Enemy Away materia.

So they took a page out of Yakuza 4, huh? Nice. I'm down.

.....I have no words for you friend.

I'm good. But I stand by my choices. BK fries over McD's fries all day.

Yoooooo. Don't act like there isn't a fat boy inside all of us.

WHY ISN'T THIS A THING IN AMERICA!? And I'm not even a fan of McDonalds' fries. I'm more of a BK fries guy.


I have a 2010 MacMini that plays 1080p. Godlike core2 duo. I want to upgrade though. I think it was the last Mac mini with the optical drive.

Beat me to it! Bravo!