
Growing up I had this weird seizure-type disorder. It has a long name and it’s hard to describe the physical effects but essentially when I stood, I’d seize up and if I tried to move my face would contort and I’d drag my leg and I couldn’t speak. Sometimes in a really bad one, I fell down. This started in puberty and

I was in my 30s when I learned that reindeer were real animals. I thought they were made-up for Christmas stories. The Unicorns of the North Pole. No idea they were real. 

All of the weight stuff for everyone is exhausting. I have gained some Covid weight and I was watching Yellowjackets and thought “You know, my body is very similar to Melanie Lynskey right now and she’s a famous actress and on the show she has a hot husband and a hot boyfriend so I’m going to stop stressing” and

I just recently started listening to the original cast recording of The Secret Garden and something about Dickens voice was so familiar that I had to double check. Never realized that was him. Blew my mind. Fantastic musical worth checking out. 

I could have written this exactly. Same feeling to all of it. In college and high school I’d say I wanted a nose job and now? Now I’m 45 and I’m OK with my face. It’s mine. It looks unique. I realize that if I had tried to do all of the “traditional beauty” things I’d have to get a nose job, get my freckles bleached,

In 2000, I got a haircut and the lady barely trimmed my bangs and I was like “Could you go a little shorter with my bangs?” and as punishment or perhaps under some sort of psychosis brought on by hair dye smell and poor ventilation, she gave me those Courtney Cox micro bangs. Unfortunately I do not have the stunning

To me it isn’t as much that he’s blaming his marriage and kids as he is saying he was depressed and unhappy and using alcohol as a way to avoid making difficult decisions regarding his marriage. He was depressed and self-medicated with alcohol which is not terribly uncommon. I know it’s popular to dog on Affleck but I

Some states have all of their court records easily searchable online. If I have someone’s last name I have searched those when something seems off. Is the divorce final? Is he on the up and up? In one case a search of this uncovered that the man I was talking to on the app had only been divorced for 2 weeks (instead

We did this every year in my family and I do it with my kids now. I always write their name and the year on the box of the ornament if it comes in a box (like the Hallmark ones do). A lot of ornaments don’t come in boxes if you buy them at craft fairs so I try to write an initial and the year in Sharpie marker on it

Very good point. Or at least combine the gifts. One year I got a soup mix along with two adorable little soup bowls and soup spoons. The soup mix could be given away or donated but the bowls could be kept if you can’t eat it. 

I know this might be an unpopular answer but I think alcohol is only a good gift if you know that the person drinks, that they’re OK with their level of drinking and that they will actually drink what you’ve given them. I’ve had a few times in my life when I’ve tried to curtail my drinking. When I turned 40 I was

It’s actually a pretty good book. Especially as far as celebrity autobiographies go. I went in not really liking her all that much but the book converted me into liking her. She’s done a lot of work so she’s aware of what she’s done wrong with a lot of her relationships but also recognizes that she wasn’t the only

I’d like to think that I’m a secure enough person that if an ex wrote a book and talked about our relationship, I could just avoid it. I am not that person though. I’d read it in one sitting. 

Thank you! They are. I’ve gained about 40 lbs over the past few years which is probably a teensy bit too much but I’m in a new job that’s not toxic and in a new relationship and certainly feel like I’m on firm footing in my life so while I have occasional body issue panics, they’re few and far between. 

I think you hit the nail on the head. It’s kind of a shitty trap that I can see a lot of them falling into. Like Oprah, as she mentioned. Or Kirstie Alley. You lose weight and get a sponsor and I would imagine at that point the pressure is immense and the fear of falling off the wagon is immense and it all snowballs

I am of the viewpoint now that I will be friendly at work. Because let’s face it, it helps get things done if people enjoy you as a person. But jobs are too tied up in money and power for friendships to not get very very messy. At my last job I thought I had work friends until I was promoted and then their true colors

Right there with you. As soon as my youngest can be vaccinated I might feel bold enough to bring my kids to the movies. But then again, I confess I really haven’t missed the expense and stress of bringing everyone out to the theater and dealing with others while we watch something. 

I’m not a horror fan so I never knew much about her until this book tour but in all of her interviews she just comes across so cool and kind and normal. I’ll totally check out her book. 

Yeah, I feel like I truly do believe Rose was hurt and experienced harassment and attacks and I feel bad about that while also simultaneously thinking she’s kind of an attention-whoring terrible person. 

I tried the apple macchiato and stirred it up like crazy with a spoon when I got to my office because I can’t deal with all of the good stuff at the bottom and it was so overwhelmingly gaggingly sweet I couldn’t finish it. And I’m someone who has a major sweet tooth but I could not.