Yeah, I’m sure you’re going to “take care” of pre-existing conditions so that soon, my insurance company won’t cover mine anymore, you fucking nightmare.
Yeah, I’m sure you’re going to “take care” of pre-existing conditions so that soon, my insurance company won’t cover mine anymore, you fucking nightmare.
I never understood why people found Brendan Fraiser hot but NOW I GET IT COMPLETELY is pretty much my take. And now I can’t understand why another person who has also seen it does not find him hot.
As a veteran of the Iraq debacle I would like to add fuck Lee Greenwood and that fucking song.
The only polling firm that has Trump that high is Rasmussen, and Rasmussen has a reputation for being more favorable to Republicans than most firms. Marist has him at 39%, Gallup at 41%, Pew at 42% and CBS at 43%.
C’mon Orlando, you’re better than this. Legolas would arrow you in the knee and end your adventuring days while Will Turner would roll his eyes before running you through with his cutlass, all while looking fierce in a headscarf and gold earring.
Honestly? I think the Democrats should say fuck it and not give in. I feel bad for people who didn’t vote for Trump but this will mostly stick it to the people who did.
He was shooting at an NRA gun range. No one has ever, EVER mistaken his lower appendages for a black person’s
The endgame is potentially blocking a nominee with the same damaging, terrible reactionary judicial philosophy as Antonin Scalia after Republicans, inspired by nothing more than naked partisanship, refused to even consider Merrick Garland following Scalia’s death. If they want to avoid a filibuster, Trump could put…
Wait, this movie is going to have live, trained lions? I’m a little skeptical about this live action remake craze as is, even though it sounds like Beauty and the Beast turned out well. Isn’t it a bit questionable to bring in a bunch of trained, non-domestic animals for a remake of a kids’ movie, though?
As another poster noted, it’s in remission. Terrifying stuff for any parent though.
Churches have youth programs. I’m sure the church-specific law was pushed by some family values/religious liberty asses but it makes since that laws like that would extend to any facilities that have youth programs - if the laws are justified at all.
I was thinking it may have to do with preying on vulnerable people since many people use churches for assistance
Well, sure (some of my best friends are hicks!). But my point about his education is that he’s swimming in some very dangerous waters and confronting situations he is COMPLETELY unprepared for.
Why won’t they say the phrase “radical Christian terrorist”? Trump won’t even say the words. Terrible.
Unfortunately, this will continue. As POC and women and gay people and trans people stand up for themselves as full citizens of this country, entitled white dudes will continue to feel like something is being taken away from them. It is sickening.
“Where Have All the Children Gone?” is one of my favorite numbers too, Abby Lee. Powerful stuff.
Speaking of making Trump mad, early voting starts today in GA-6. If you’re in East Cobb and Sandy Springs, go vote for Jon Ossoff! I can’t because I’m a mile outside the district, but my high school is — and last week I registered several of my seniors. Also, this tweet delighted me today:
Dad was allowed on with cargo shorts.
This should read “designer”.
one cnn analysts said “its past time, we need to start calling for trump to be tried on treason charges”