
Really? Interesting. I've only heard comparisons of her look to Death from the Sandman comics.

I liked Sara too. And I'm glad goth Felicity only lasted an episode.

Laurel is the worrrrrrrrst.

Yes. IT goes fast because it's very good.

Yes the wife beater should be at the bottom of the list.

Patrick Swayze was and always will be hotter than Brad Pitt.

Yeah. And she brought back the homophobic asshole for a last goodbye so....I'm with Heigl on this

I FORGOT ABOUT THE DEER. Also, given that the ghost sex was because Izzy had a brain tumor, maybe Heigl thought she was on her way out anyway and didn't want to give the show any more accolades.

I think it's more like" go call all my ex-lovers"

Yeah...the book is 7 years old... I feel like the window for needing spoiler alerts is past.

Really? that's so sad. My Barbies all had awesome jobs, and I was an 80s kid. Of course, I was less reliant on buying veterinarian Barbie and more just one to decide my Barbie was a vet/spy/paratrooper...BUT STILL.

I feel like mocking Barbie is a cheap shot anymore. Yes, her proportions are questionable, but the dolls are diverse and get a whole range of careers to choose from. I'm also a little sick of the idea that if it's pink and girls like it's bad so we're going to DESTROY THAT. Can I like pink and building things? I think

Welp. This is bullshit. We're going to break the mold! With a doll that's blonde and blue eyed and skinny! And also if you let your little girl play with THOSE OTHER DOLLS you are a mindless robot and you are turning her into a mindless robot.

My friend is an art history professor and she recently had a student ask about this. David, in particular is a good example. In his case, he was meant to be viewed from below and at an angle so his penis would have looked different based on the perspective. However, they were so enamored of the statue he never got put

I'm not especially worried about this because there's no reason to believe that any case in the U.S. can't be contained,but I would very much like to know why someone who was travelling from an outbreak area was allowed to enter the US without going through quarantine and I would also like to know if they are

Sing it.

I made a chicken tonight. A couple weeks ago I made one in the crockpot. It's all good, imo. But crockpottng doesn't get you the perfect skin.

It really is. Etsy built its rep on the backs of legit artists and crafts people...and now they're making it harder for those people to succeed.

I hope someone has a real suggestion. I get stronger and better at my weights, lunges, squats, dips ...EVERYTHING BUT PUSHUPS. What am I doing wrong, world?