
Right? I had a teacher who spent a not insignificant amount of time during biology telling us not to do LSD and also warning us what it would look like if he ever had a flash back adn what to do. I have no problem believing he was still getting recreational with some other stuff.

So glad to see someone posting something about reading children's books and young adult literature isn't good for adults! This is certainly a topic that hasn't been beaten to death already. Not to mention, it's important to make sure that the adults that are reading feel bad about their choices. You're doing important

That spy one has been on my list for months. I have read two of her other books and she is amazing. I can't wait.

You are not alone. The last one was amazing. I read it on one day and now I'm like I have to wait for the next one? NOOOOOOO.

Kentucky. We won't even make you rent them. We will give them to you free of charge. Feral pigs are like...an issue here.

It's definitely the best taco costume I've seen.

You've got it! The precise problem. People ruin everything.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I just got a dog, and there's is some question about whether I am actually going to be able to keep her (long story) but if we can overcome our issues...that's what she needs to be wearing for Halloween.

True story. I'm tired of "summer collections" featuring all fabrics that don't breathe.

I mean, what woman doesn't need a giant t-shirt with a sequined parrot, right? RIGHT *Cries*

Unless that woman is Meghan Trainor. Then no, we can't celebrate that.

Good cast iron is 100% worth it and will last a lifetime once seasoned.

Good cast iron is 100% worth it and will last a lifetime once seasoned.

I might nto have finished making it through that dinner if I was in your shoes. I can't imagine talking to my mom like that. Lordy. If I had ever tried it I'd still be in trouble.

I knooooow. when they were moving the camera back and forth between them I was like...YOU CAN HAVE THEM BOTH, PLEASE TURN IT SIDEWAYS.

My step-nephew's mother cut his meat for him till...well actually she may still cut his meat for him. I know they were at my parent's house once and she reached over to do it for him and my mom says "he can cut his own meat, he's 18". Awkward moment.

I honestly believe that it's more about controlling women than saving children. If they gave a shit about saving children, they might not be working so hard to cut programs that help the ones that are already living.

I was trying to decide if she was making a wordplay or a typo. Roots are where things begin which is where you start so roots are in the start!

"I wish they'd leave me home"

I feel bad for this girl that someone posted it. I have had surgery ONE TIME. And they put me under. I don't even know what they gave me, but I do know when I came to I was CONVINCED I had hit someone. Like just beat the shit out of them. And I kept apologizing and asking them to bring me the person so I could tell