
For real. She looks stunning.

Listen y'all. I have all the sympathy in the world for people with legitimate mental problems. But I don't think anyone is doing that community any favors by claiming that everyone from this dude to Justin Bieber "clearly has problems" when they're acting like assholes.

You may not need salsa, but you can't survive on your own.

For real. Guac cannot win against Salsa. Salsa is superior in every way, starting with not feeling like you are eating crisco. People use salsa as an INGREDIENT in Guac, which suggests to me that guacamole cannot survive on its own merits and therefore must lose.

I'm with ya.

Because the men in question know they can't win on the issues.

I don't care to eat yogurt as is yogurt. I put it in smoothies because yogurt, especially greek yogurt, makes them creamier and adds protein but then you get to escape that weird gross texture because smoothie!

Yes. That is the face of a cat that has seen what cannot be unseen and has decided to beat a strategic retreat.

That's the glow that comes from panicking and forgetting to breathe.

That is basically my entire personality.

Noooo. I like her but everyone Jez embraces on a daily basis then ends up having a backlashw here everyone bitches about how they really aren't that great. Let's not wish that on Miss Monae.

It's the best I've ever seen her look but I and the voice of my mother inside my head would like her to stand up striaght and put her shoulders back for the love of mercy.

But I do know it's not the same thing. If she had popped up on here and said "speaking as an able bodied jezzie...or speaking as a hearing jezzie" I bet way fewer people would be arguing her point.

In this case I am a "white jezzie" but I found the whole thread super uncomfortable. It felt a lot to me like telling people how they ought to feel because he didn't justify his relationship to their satisfaction. I would like to read your post but I can't find it, did it get deleted?

I'm sorry you feel that way. I am so ignorant on these topics I normally keep my mouth shut to try and avoid saying the wrong thing.

Inside OR outside the comics, IMO.

They do if you give them advanced notice!

What? Don't you know bacon is a health food?

Don't tell them! they'll all want to come here and they'll drive our rent up!

She's one of my favorites, thanks! :)