
She just really seems like she has the right vibe. And the perfect style, already. :D

Back before Capaldo was announced as the next Doctor, someone suggested Janelle Monae should be the first woman to play the doctor and she was the ONLY person out of all the names thrown about for that that I could actually see working.

huh. Well. You learn something new everyday.

I do wish they would take the time to spell his name correctly, but I have a question. is it still pronounced like Dwayne?

What shocks me is hearing Bobcat Goldthwait referred to as on eof the sweetest people in the biz. Not that I know anything about him, but I've always found his schtick crazy annoying so ...huh.

So sweet! Congratulations!

Thank goodness. I was thinking that if that's the actual doll, the headline should be "well-wishers save woman from being murdered in her sleep by evil doll"

Cool. Thanks!

Every year my dad asks for socks and I feel like no, that's not a good christmas gift and try to find something else. This year I got him some awesome socks and he was so damn happy.

Got a book recommendation for this?

It's alright. Despite indications to the contrary, you're allowed to not like him. I'm not a particular fan myself and I think his wife seems fairly awful. We might both get chased on of Jezebel though.

Also, back when I first moved to my present locale, I went through all the old year book/school papers stuff that my mom had saved for us which amounted to like 4 boxes and got it down to one. Despite constantly accusing me of being a hoarder, she was very upset with me. oof.

I have this problem. My family accuses me of being a hoarder, but also expects me to be responsible for keeping up with family pictures and sentimental valu etype stuff. My mom gave me her old jewelry box (that I wanted) with the condition that I never throw anything in it away ever. and then She's like "why don't you

Yes, these are hideous, and I wish you luck, but while we're looking at shoes, my black boots have come to the end of their lives, and I need some new ones. These are the old ones, that if I could magically heal and just continue to wear forever I would: OLD BOOTS

My problem with Jaden Smith's outfit is not that he's a guy wearing a skirt over bike shorts. But that he's wearing a skirt over bike shorts in a way that takes me back being 12 and everyone was doing it. See also, those overalls. Listen 1990 was not year people should look back on with fasion nostalgia.

I had to cheat and google because I apparently only know his name to be cousin Larry.

I think it's more because in their public appearances, and the videos they posted of each other together, they seemed really cute and happy. Same thing with Heidi and Seal. they seemd to always be doing things gether and having fun, so them getting divorced just seemed wrong to me.

haha. I was wondering. I had never heard that one and I was like..."but the oldies are so good! What? Everyone should be listening to the damn oldies! I am on a quest to train my ignorant friends about this right now. hah.

Okay. I have a for real question. Is it specifically listening to oldies in a low rider that's a thing? Or is it just listening to oldies? I am so confused by this. like. If I'm gettig my R-E-S-P-E-C-T on in my none low rider are people all "cultural appropriation!" cause...oldies are great but what?

I missed it, and am still planning to watch it despite the bad reviews. I think I am a little bit on her side because people were so gleefully about how sure they were she was going to fail and if you saw any of her interviews leading up to it, it was clear she knew this and was very very very nervous. Those