Living in Michigan I'm already practically Canadian. So you have my vote Canada.
Living in Michigan I'm already practically Canadian. So you have my vote Canada.
"Finally, somebody got proactive! And it was the character you least expect to be badass."
Give the ghosts a baby and they'll probably leave you alone. Child sacrifice is a small price to pay for beautiful architectural detailing.
Reminds me of that line from DS9 where the Vorta says something to the effect of "I assume you brought one of those famed Starfleet engineers that can turn rocks into replicators."
I wonder if they had given any thought to how the city would cross the Rockies. Through and around like the transcontinental railroad?
The part that threw me off was that both Bobby and his father were shot in the forehead (almost exactly the same spot.) But the quote from the Reaper that the other commenters mentioned puts things in a different light.
"Just the fact that his dad died that way also?"
@mekki @Dayburner:
You'll have to forgive me, I'm a little slow on the uptake here: did Bobby actually kill his father? I wasn't completely sure if that scene was repeating IRL events or if it was just Bobby's subconscious dealing with things.
That one was just wrong.
So I clicked on the additional videos that Youtube brings up at the end. Now I must go lock myself in a sterilized room and never go outside again.
Too many books to read. When are we going to be able to download information directly to our brains? Would you get on that science! And that Blood Work book sounds really interesting.
On the whole, probably a combination of both. I was trying to think of the last movie that I thought had convincing architectural CGi, and I had to go back to the Lord of the Rings movies. The dwarf city had an excellent combination of realistic textures and structures that looked like they were designed to actually…
I think a lot of it has to do with artists designing buildings without giving much though to the "real" structural support. They create a shell that doesn't have any sense of mass or heft.
Maybe it isn't that torture porn hadn't existed before(I concede the Cannibal movies on that point), but rather that they've become main-stream. That that whole sub-genre has moved from the fringes of horror to the front and center. And now that audiences have become accustomed to it, movies have to push that torture…
In a sense I agree with you. That's why I think "torture porn" is a better description of what I mean than "gore porn." But the thing with the grindhouse stuff is that the violence almost moves into the realm of the comedic/absurd. A recent movie that fits that category is the Piranha remake. As opposed to movies like…
I think an over-reliance on gore has definitely increased. You look at a movie like Halloween, which actually has very little blood and gore, and it's much scarier than a lot of Hollywood's recent offerings.
Yes. Hollywood has gone for torture porn instead. Which is revolting more than scary.
Yeah, there are several people that left after the great re-design. And the days of 50+ comment threads seem to be gone too.
You can't upload images directly from your computer anymore. You'll have to upload your image to an image hosting site and then link to it in your comment.