
All I saw were legitimate questions that you failed to even halfway acknowledge. Why isn’t she sailing to China when they contribute far more to this “Carbon problem” then we do? Why not India? You all scoff but never give a legitimate response, why is that? Could it be that this, you know, isn’t so much about saving

This is conduct unbecoming of a decorated member of the USMC Smedley.

Spoken like a coastal tool. We are very nice people in flyover country, we cook you breakfast before mocking you relentlessly.

Climate change is a racket too, Smedley.

I like that you guys are pretending this isn’t on brand for the Patriots. How is this any different then the way they’ve handled issues in the past? Is this a different Bill Belichick? No, this is, in fact, the same Bill Belichick we’ve seen for years. You all want to make it different because now it is #metoo related

Most on here wouldn’t last a full work day....

I can’t say anything to someone who isn’t willing to look up the statistics, or maybe it linked to the wrong site, I don’t know. What I do know is that someone who considers anyone who honestly believes that police are blood-thirsty killers patrolling the streets looking for innocent black victims can’t be reasoned

There’s some truth to your crude assessment. Hire standards have dropped significantly over the last decade. Reason? Pay is shrinking, hostility towards police is higher than it has ever been, benefits are disappearing. You can object all you want but the fact is, cops work long hours, many departments face shortages,

1) Black people commit an overwhelming percentage of the overall violent crime in this country. (source: https://www.bjs.gov)

The height of comedy is you thinking you have the ability to waste my time. This is me entertaining myself. Nothing in this entire family of blogs is worth taking seriously, my entire purpose in writing comments here is to fuck with the far left, period.

Whole lot of people bitching in this article who wouldn’t last a day being a cop. You should all expand your network of friends, maybe then you’d understand how hard the job is and why no one wants to do it.

Insults, but no rebuttal. And I’m the one who can’t tie my own shoes, you 1st grader?

Name the problems, name them specifically, not some bullshit article with fudged numbers, identify exactly where man is fucking shit up. Because I’m old enough to have been around when climate “scientists” were telling me that Florida would be underwater by 2010. I’m old enough that I remember when it was called

Couldn’t have said it better.

100% of government-funded climate scientists who are paid to find a problem, will absolutely find a problem.

.00001%, keep in mind that you’re picking a fight with me about that. I don’t agree with the draconian restrictions, but to dismiss an entire population, many of whom also don’t agree with that particular thing you brought up, it seems harsh, don’t you think?

Thank you.

Go ahead and substitute “make the world a better place” with “sell green technology for a shit-ton of money”.

99% of all government-funded climate “scientists” agree with your statement!

You can keep your prestige, pollution, and traffic brother, I’ll take my nice house, clean air, etc. I’d rather cut off my right foot then be subjected to all the pitfalls of living in fucking LA. How long must one sit in traffic before you want to eat a bullet?