2018 Kaepeenick isn’t that much better than 2018 Derek Anderson.
2018 Kaepeenick isn’t that much better than 2018 Derek Anderson.
They are drama queens apparently
You’re gross.
Maybe you’d rather have no “allies”. Life is hard for everyone. Most normal people are just going to roll their eyes at you when you start attacking the people who are genuinely interested in helping you....
Before the fall of Rome, the society was swollowed by degeneracy and games. Just an interesting fact and food for thought. And, no, we won’t “just pay you” or work for you for free. Why are the loudest voices in that community the most obnoxiously demanding?
So, you advocate theft? That’s what you do when you advocate government aggressively taxing away his money. You fail to realize that Bezos already is taxed for more than you, me, or anyone else in this comment section is worth combined. So, what, you want government to just steal away all his money? And do what with…
God Serena’s fans are insufferable. I’ll admit she is probably the greatest female tennis players of all time, but that’s as far as it gets with the praise from me, I root against her every time because she is as phony as LeBron and has a history of making herself look like an ass. Google it, because this is FAR from…
John Walker Flynt
I don’t get it. People complaining about MLS. How can we ever get better as a nation at soccer if our best players leave to go play in Europe? We should be trying to attract players from other nations TO MLS, not sending our best away.
I know right? But hey, this is LibSpin, and reporting is a foreign concept to bloggers.
I love Derek Holland now
I don’t care
Thank you! Fuck the SJWs that populate this shit site.
You fail at reading comprehension
Never mind that the 97.1 percent thing has been repeatedly refuted...
Maybe we can be a little less sensitive? Identitarians are the worst.
You kidding or blind? You realize that was a home run without that absurd super human catch right? Some of you people are unbelievable.
I was with you until you made it political and exposed yourself as just another insane Gawker leftist. Go to hell.
Oh liberals, have a looksee: