
So that’s the direction you are going with it? That’s like giving your kidnapper praise because he dresses you in fancy clothing or tutors you in physics while also beating and/or raping you to sleep at night and also never allows you out of the house ever. You really don’t seem to get why communist Cuba is an awful

So why should we give a damn about the opinion of a 3rd Wave Feminist SJW who frequently rails against the patriarchy?

God damn the amount of salt within the confines of Gawker’s Dying Children could fill the entirety of all of Earth’s oceans.

Yes, quit on the discussion when it doesn’t suit you or align with your beliefs. Welcome to 2016 liberalism!

and also, all your tears are delicious, as you attack third party candidates who were superior to your own weak, corrupt, establishment candidate.

God you people are insufferable, you really are. You are the most divisive, insufferable, intolerable, smarmy, whiny, bitchy, haughty, ignorant, and laughable people in the universe! You really, really, really, (three reallys) are! You push people away with your divisive agendas, your blatant attack on the white

Globalism vs Nationalism. Globalism is great until you get people who are not compatible with a culture causing chaos.

And most of all, you are willfully ignorant to the real pain and fear that was behind a large segment of the movement that got Donald Trump elected, but I guess none of you would understand the fear of, say, getting shit-canned because the president of the company felt it was more cost-effective to move the plant to

God you people are insufferable, you really are. You are the most divisive, insufferable, intolerable, smarmy, whiny, bitchy, haughty, ignorant, and laughable people in the universe! You really, really, really, (three reallys) are! You push people away with your divisive agendas, your blatant attack on the white

Bernie wouldn’t have lost Wisconsin or Pennsylvania.

God you people are insufferable, you really are. You are the most divisive, insufferable, intolerable, smarmy, whiny, bitchy, haughty, ignorant, and laughable people in the universe! You really, really, really, (three reallys) are! You push people away with your divisive agendas, your blatant attack on the white

I’m voting for Donald Trump, gladly, with glee, and so are all my friends and family and even most of the people at my job.

I’m laughing at you glorious morons so hard right now.

“Whaaaa whaaa people don’t agree with me so they are bad! Whaaaaaaaa!”

Except it’s not true at all with the republicans. The party voter base is more unified than it has been since GWB.

“My family isn’t so I assume we are the majority”

Your evidence? Aside from the cuckservatives in office who have just as much to lose from a Trump victory.

So when he doesn’t get his ass kicked and wins, can we assume you will turn in your notice and quit quietly in shame? Maybe you’ll even move to Canada like a good little liberal.

Also, Trump 2016, MAGA! Can’t wait to drink your tears on Nov. 8, I look forward to all the salty articles I get to read.

Good for them, fuck the federal government, and fuck Gawk-er, I mean “Deadspin”.