Did a better remake...WITH squares?
Did a better remake...WITH squares?
He just did a better remake than Square.
It seems rather floppy. And will get floppier, I bet. T_T
Killing someone with a candlestick might be impossible in The Sims 4, but apart from that, everything looks…
Which makes Rogue the Kirby of Capcom fighting games ;)
Perhaps the server CPU was overheating, and it thought the spell would help.
You idiots! You captured their stunt doubles!
The closest we'll get is a Space Quest: Astro Chicken endless runner, and it'll run worse than the original mini games.
My heart cries out for new Quest for Glory.
Tunnel Snakes Rule!
I always felt Tia was kind of a bad choice to begin with myself. She might have pined over Maxim for years, but that doesn't make them a good couple. Selan just appears to have better chemistry with Maxim, and the scene I think shows this best is the wedding, where they are just like "Monsters?" and proceed to rip off…
Oh lord, yeah, don't play the DS game! Play the SNES game . . . and then play the DS game later, and appreciate it as Hilarious Fanfiction.
Weren't the Sinistrals thought defeated by that point. So it makes sense for life to go on. As we didn't know Gadez was not only not the ultimate bad he was the weakest.
yeah wow this person here sure did a good job describing puzzles which are nothing like the puzzles in lufia 2 :-(
the mark hunting quest I FFXII was the best thing about the game and why it's my favorite...a whole game deficated to hunting marks? Sold
How many Yagudo Bead Necklaces must I farm this time?
Really not sure about this...
they were real people before they were Dynasty Warriors characters =P
Comedy gold here.