Too bad Terranigma did the menu being a place first AND better/faster, on the SNES. :(
Too bad Terranigma did the menu being a place first AND better/faster, on the SNES. :(
Ok, so while I was typing someone brought up MK. My bad. You didn't address my point of far worse depictions in other forms of media (just that its OK for some to use it to inform the story, which is unnecessary in most cases, btw) or Manhunt, which is an actual human murder simulator. That was made by R* so it gets a…
Wait....people actually sit on their wallets? What the hell? I always put my wallet in my front pocket. No sitting on it and it is quicker to grab.....why would anyone want to put their wallet in the back pocket?
I get the first two, those make actual sense. But the third one is purely personal opinion? I honestly found VI to be forgetful and boring, and while I thought some elements of VII were okay, the entire game is completely ruined by the hype it was given.
If this was the only time FFV was either extremely discounted as being important or left out completely from a list of important Final Fantasy games to play, I wouldn't even be mad.
Once again... ONCE FUCKING AGAIN... Final Fantasy V doesn't even get a f**king blip on the radar. Seriously, did I miss some kind of memo? Is there some secret, unwritten commandment in the Squaresoft Constitution stating "Thou Shalt Not Speak of Final Fantasy V"? It wasn't a bad game and was, ironically, one of the…
See, 14 sort of already redeemed Final Fantasy for me. Not only was it a heck of an achievement over its original release, but it's also the most fun I've ever had playing an MMO.
Seriously, if you have this mentality and you haven't tried FFXIV, give it a shot.
Sorry, but the mental image of a pink 3DS in a shiny green case is pretty gorgeous. Every time you opened it up to play, it would be like cutting a sweet slice out of a juicy watermelon. Of video gaming.
Atreyu hangs with Luke Skywalker in Sushi Girl.. amazing.
You're not playing a super-scientist/mechanic/warrior, you're the last shlub left alive on the ship. Chances are you were the janitor or some such.
Handshake... right...
Friggin' Meleetriarchy...
Wow Kotaku, way to reinforce negative stereotypes about Wizards.
People are going to make cracks about the game's launch or how that means it's still broken, but seriously consider what they successfully managed to do here: they took a truly broken game and pulled a switcheroo more complex and complete than Cataclysm (FFXIV 2.0 is a completely different game than 1.0) on a fraction…
Yeah, it's most accurate to say that this is a preface to the game's story. Everything would be accurate to how your character would know it to be at the start of the game. This isn't a perfect knowledge telling of the game's actual story.
See, I am going to call you crazy. For a couple of reasons.