
I have to admit though, the fuller armored female looks more badass..

Ah, as always, the internet finds SOMETHING to be offended by. It’s a joke, not a particularly funny one but I hardly see anything worth getting upset over.

Only 400 more years until the Sun Stone is ready

ugh, Jersey Boys?? get a new girlfriend

Id buy a HD rerelease in full HD on wii u :)

This is the exact type of confirmation of privacy that I want to hear about. He secured his private data, and it stays secured after his passing. That's the point. He only screwed up by not providing his family with other media copies of their family photos, etc. But HIS private data, is HIS... and if he himself

I still cringe when I see Star Wars and the Disney logo together. Anybody else?

first wrold problems :( im around $600 and still missing 15 champs QQ been playing 2 years also but i jungle and jungler runes change a lot since Season 3 not to mention a large variety of runes ive bought for other rolls! ive spend over 50,000 ip on runes </3

Now playing

Well, shit. That Portal video brought back some forgotten childhood trauma called Worthless.

Don't forget Type Tactics. Everyone overlooks it but its absolutely amazing!

so what you're telling me is I should keep pirating it.

Goddamnit. Fuck HBO. I guess I'll just have to keep on Torrenting all their shows instead.

Exclusives are pathetic. And a giant waste of time.

This is so fucking bunk. Oh my god.

6 months from now: "Well, they gave it an honest try, but the market still wasn't ready for it. That's why it failed. No one could do it better than Apple and it still failed."

Guess I'll keep...um...um..."borrowing" GoT to watch until I can pay my $15 and use my Roku, FireTV, XBox, and/or Smart TV.

Dear Cable Companies, Be afraid, be very afraid.

We should probably be looking at what black people should be doing to make Chip less racist.

How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb?