
I get the feeling Jalopnik writers have a daily quota to fill for articles.

Another multiplayer-only game bites the dust. Can't say I'm surprised, or saddened, by this fact. BioWare should stick to what they're good at and leave the multiplayer-only cash grabs to worse developers.

If it were the "no ads" version, I'd have been all over it.

If it were the "no ads" version, I'd have been all over it.

That's the "with special offers" price. The without ads price is $219. Nah.

That's the "with special offers" price. The without ads price is $219. Nah.

Pre-purchase the $100 PC Monster Race Edition for access to 18 hunters, five monsters, four monster skins. The extra PC content will be available to console players for purchase after 30 days.

As a diagnosed acrophobe, I can only say this:

Oh. Fuck. No.

It's not the fire—it's the voluntary diving off a perfectly good, structurally sound building for no reason apart from, "won't this be awesome?"

I climb up onto our roof to clean the gutters (perhaps twenty feet off the ground) so my wife doesn't have to,

That's kind of a macrotransaction really, isn't it?

The amount of money poured into the Super Bowl ads on F2P games just felt like someone was literally shitting into my heart valve and filling my existence with bile. Yet someone at the party I was at still said "I'm thinking about downloading that, it looks cool enough". We had words.

Not being the target doesn't mean they are shit, and sadly because ignoring the fact that few people do support this kind of shit enough so developers think it is viable even in non FTP games we have this huge problem all over the industry. So no lets not ignore this.

"Free to start", ten to one within a month EA completely murders that market if they're the first ones in it. "Introducing Dead Space 4. Pay $2 for a gun, $.50 for upgrades. Having trouble beating a boss? Pay $5.75 for in game tips. Such an amazing experience, by the time you pay for the intended features of the game

Humanity has reached a new low

He was pretty tame in comparison to the woman who just flat out refused to even give it a chance and immediately started babbling about how it was evil and a blight on humanity. The rest of them though, were great. It's interesting seeing people with little to no background on the series discovering it as they

He's got 94 phones, and a droid ain't one.

Oh God, even when computer generated in a fantasy world, I still come last.

Don't worry androsz; I'm laughing at them as well.

Yes, this is Gizmodo. A site who researches things, unlike you.

Are you playing Suikoden or Suikoden II for the first time this week? What do you think? Post all thoughts, discussion topics, and opinions below—I want to hear from newcomers in particular.

It was a very new experience for me. The possibilities seem endless.