Why do you not like your XL? I'm planning on purchasing a 3DS soon, so I'm interested in your feedback.
Why do you not like your XL? I'm planning on purchasing a 3DS soon, so I'm interested in your feedback.
Same here. I like The Last of Us, but I already watched someone else play it twice since I don't have a PS3 either. All the other games are either "meh" level of interesting or are, in my opinion, to be played on a PC (and most likely already own on PC).
If you build it, they will cum.
Yes but the first videos of DS2 looked awesome too and the game clearly doesn't look as good as those (even though it's still nice)
not sure trying to make the point that the US has a violent police force and has handled situations like Ferguson very badly is exactly my definition of a selfish issue, just sayin
Ugh, you know what, if Samus wants to fight aliens butt fucking naked, that should in no way make her less of a strong female. If you really think that CLOTHING makes a strong female protagonist then you are just stupid and misogynistic. Whether she's got track shorts and a sports bra, or suited up from head to toe in…
These outfits are from the Metroid games themselves and have been a tradition since the first one (which actually had a even skimpier ending since she only had a bikini there). In your opinion she never was a strong independent character to start with if this makes her less of a strong independent character.
This is what playing soccer games without keeping score gets you.
Why does your sister have 3000 followers?
Great article! Though now I'm horrified at the disconnect between my childhood and the childhood of modern teens. Back then people like Goku and Rocky were my heroes. Now, kids are immaturely being sucked into the world of drama where they used words like fake. thirsty, and chauvinist. Seriously, I don't even know…
Older generations always say that they are frightened of what the future will be like once younger generations they don't quite understand are in charge, but I have to say, the future is objectively frightening.
Yeah, what would possibly bring that out? Not the "I hate all men and I'm proud of it" articles on Jezebel. Oh no, they had to make a drama out of it, I saw the posts where they spent more time blogging about troll-spam drawing attention to it than actually reporting it.
Jason, stop calling it "next gen consoles". The PS4 and Xbox One are 9 months old already, and the Wii U had a year headstart on them. They're current gen.
*Please have decent controls, please have decent controls.*
I've heard that all three taste exactly the same, despite the differing ingredients.
Before leaving the office, Hudson reportedly struggled to pick the red, blue or green farewell cupcake on the way out.
Dude posted 9 articles about BronyCon in what, 2-3 days?
Have all the money for a PS4 and none of this makes me want to go get the system. Ill probably hold out for a solid 6 months