
I never thought I'd live to see the day where the term asshat became literal.

That's what disappoints me about my purchase. My Seiki is great, but I had no idea before I bought the TV that nothing out really uses its functions to the max.

I don't know about the brand of the TV, but I do know that current HDMI technology only does 4k resolution at 30hz. Despite it being a 120hz panel, it can only do that in 1080p. This TV is a waste of money.

You can't move on. You're in too deep. Google could ruin you with what they know about you.

Last year they did a bunch of stuff, including multi-player events. I can't speak for this year, but it wouldn't surprise me if they ignored it in game, since they dropped support a while ago. (In all fairness, they were supporting the HELL out of multi-player with weekly balance changes and SEVERAL free expansions.)

Ok...This should be a real movie or show....

Whoever ends up king in the end.

Agreed. The reason they are doing this though is because it brings out the most combat and really helps balancing out heroes/champs/villains/superheros. Whatever it is you call them haha.

This is too bad, but not a tragedy.