
Wow... not gonna lie. Dick fucking move ArenaNet. But thankfully, it doesn't affect me. I haven't played GW2 in like a year. Good game, but when I can just craft armor as good as anything I could get from dungeons, it lost all purpose for me.

Is there a wallpaper size version of that banner image? Could do with less branding and whatnot, but.... <3.

:(. I don't keep up with it THAT much, but useful info anyway.

First was the Group stage for eliminations, then quarter final bracket, now semi final bracket. I think the 19th is the grand finals. That'll be the end of season 4. Spring split for LCS season 5 will probably start in March - April I guess.

My guess would be all of them, but I'm too lazy to type out why.

FFXV director Hajime Tabata said he wanted to show off live gameplay, because some people online seemed to think that the recently released Final Fantasy XV trailer was all pre-rendered. As you can see in this NicoNico stream, it wasn't.

Screw Squeenix already. Where's Suikoden VI Konami? This is the important thing that matters :(. Or even a port of II-V on PS3/4//Vita. Not even an HD remake. Just a damn port. C'monnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

I'd settle for Twin Snakes and proper controls out of it. Or even just a PC collection... w/e.

So cool. If you're the person at Blizzard who made this happen, you are my new favorite, only to be superseded when someone at Konami stops screwing around and decides to release an HD collection of Suikoden 1-5 for PS4/Xbox One.

I'm sure we'd both be surprised and depressed by actual figures...

Well, balls. I was actually JUST about to order a 3DS. That timing :(. Guess I'll continue waiting. That's what I get for being late to the party I guess.

Praise the sun!

If it actually looks this good at release, I might need a new TV. The old one will be covered in bodily fluids of jubilation. I have my doubts though. All games look amazing pre-release. Too much hype-building.

He mentions having a home specifically for the holidays and having two PS4s is what tips you off that he's rich? ...Lol.

Ahahaha. I'm glad I waited before getting one. Now it's on Squeenix/NIS/Atlus to convince me I need a PS4. Thank you Kojima-san.


Now, PLEASE tell me they learned how a keyboard/mouse works. MGS2 was keyboard only and sucked hardcore.

It's not about it being happy. Honestly, of the canonical endings I only accept the "Fuck you" they put in the extended DLC. If RGB is the best they have to offer me, might as well burn it all down. Cuz that was some bullshit. Bye humanity.

And then his replacement came in and tipped the tray. A big fuck you for not liking what was available.

I think it works perfectly. They're treating everyone like criminals whether they've done anything wrong or not. I got over being ashamed of saying "I love you" to my mother a long time ago, but the thought of some creeper reading the email or listening on the phone chaps my fucking ass. Get the fuck off. If I wanted

It's not about doing or not doing stupid shit. You know where else they monitor you 24/7? Prison.