
Free, spied upon internet. Be careful what you wish for.

Just because I should be ashamed doesn't make it any less true. Peepulz iz dumm. DEE...... YEW? DUBBLE EM. COUNT 'EM. TOO. TOO!

Or a good guess, given the track record of video game movies. Like... the ones listed. Sounds like someone can't stop jerking off to WoW or possibly Blizzard. OHHHH SHIT. Flipped ;).

Sounds promising, but it's a good thing eyes can't vomit...

Sucks it's on old proprietary hardware in the age before "OMFG CLOUDZ" technology. Preserving that data, while not impossible, would be hard.

The SNES? Fuck yeah, SNES.

I know :P.

That's Microsoft and their marketing teams job ;).

The windows 98 nostalgia...

QUOTE | "We look at [the free-to-play business model] as the future." - Anil Dharni, COO of mobile game giant Gree, laying out all of the advantages the company sees with free-to-play games."

PC Name: Edge. ...Narcissism or nepotism?

Get a really big dude in prison attire to stand behind you while you bend over and take a picture then tag it #innelpose? The only thing the internet seems to like more than hashtags is a funnier/more useless hashtag.

Is this the box it comes in? ....I want it. The nostalgia calls.

It might as well have been. Both are horrible ideas. Gotta have dem in-app purchases doe.

My childhood hero.... SAKAGUCHI-SAMA Y U DO THIS? I feel like I've been shit on. I need a shower.

Sounds accurate. Cut and print. Money that is.

I've played it. Unlike these "sims" it's an actual game with some strategy to it. Or at the very least, some math, once you look at the wiki.

I wish I had an actual local group instead of playing VTT. I'd have enough bad dice to start my own tumblr with my luck.

How to stop using Facebook.

Apparently you don't read, watch movies, listen to music or play video games very often. If ever.