
Petty and childish on both sides. Except one side is literally ruining the others reputation and business. Yep, yep. No harm no foul, right? #worth

I think they used them as a guinea pig to throw some garbage out there and find out what people would tolerate. Companies invest in "testing" all the time.

Because no game in the history of ever has looked as good at release as it does in the pre-alpha/leaked shots? I don't know what PS4 has to do with it. It can't make it look that good while still being playable. And we know nothing about it, so jumping to conclusions about it being exclusive is a bit overzealous.

I'm seeing a lot of guns going on here. Technology Souls? And $100 that it doesn't look anywhere near this good at release.

I feel sorry for them, because I KNOW they had EA all up in their ass having them do some pretty shitty things that will ruin their reputation. But EA doesn't care, they were expendable.

I give it a year before either he's beating the shit out of her, or she's leaving him destitute. I don't see this going well at all, but I can't say I feel sorry for either of them.

I don't know about disgusting, but I don't actually find it that appealing. I don't know about it being worse than M/M either. To each their own. You're a bird of an odd feather, sir.



Butt.... implants? ......Forget it, I don't actually want to know.

The drive to work must be brutal. And wet.

Yep, Carmack's fault. Called it.

Ah, finally a better use of my gigabit switch than downloading updates for my satellite receiver.

I blame Carmack.

"on TV". Breaking Bad is over :(... bitch.

It seems to have had a rather small viewer base to begin with if wikipedia's stats are accurate, peaking at just 1.45 million views. If most of these interactions are in the final season, that'd explain the decline of views in season 3.

Oh yeah, definitely. Despite it's failings, it's still one of the best, most well produced shows on TV. The only other things I watch are classics, and some Adult Swim shows.

Indeed. We should've had a horn that for some reason attracts women. "Hey, honey. I'm down here. Yeah, my face isn't on my forehead." PAYBACK! REVENGE! ....Alas...

Well.... most straight men are homophobic, as previously stated. Just the thought of homosexual acts is enough to incite anger in some. I thought everyone knew that though. Where have you been the past 20 years? Coma?

I concur wholeheartedly on behalf of all straight men. Apparently there are a few women who like the look of the weiner though. Don't really know why, but I guess if they didn't the whole sexual attraction thing wouldn't work and we'd be extinct.