
I don't know about winning the Game of Thrones, but he'll certainly win the Game of Sexes. He's the only one smart enough to not play.

I can't argue with that anyway. It's definitely male dominant. If they had as many penises flopping around as there are boobs though, viewership would plummet. The only recourse is burqas. A symbol of male dominant oppression. There is no victory condition. When you play the Game of Sexes, you just lose.

Boobs aren't equal to weiner though. Boobs are chest ornaments that are like shiny baubles for men, and have no effect on most women. Wieners on the other hand are sexual organs, and seeing one not penetrating some female orifice (i.e, porn) makes most men uncomfortable. Most men are homophobes. Put it in, or put it

Even hearing the author explain it, it's still convoluted as hell. At least people die, and boobs. Yay Game of Thrones. \o/

I was going to try and be rational, but who am I kidding? This is the internet, we know how this works. GO SUCK OFF VALVE SOME MORE, NERD. /missioncomplete

It's personally down to the perspective for me. I hate playing purple side, I have a lot more misclicks and missed skills from that angle. Bottom-up is a hell of a lot easier to calculate.

I tried it. Fucking infuriating without a physical cube. I keep turning the wrong faces and rotating is such a pain in the ass I can't keep my lines straight. I rotate, after fucking up the faces 7-8 times, only to have it upside down without realizing it. Not worth the hassle.

There should be a box in the... lower left? when you're looking at apps that will let you put in your phone number that will send you a text with a link to their app store app, there may also be an email option. Adding your number and/or running the app adds the device to your account.

It was amazing. And then blowup doll Mystique shows up. ...Why is that a thing? ...Really?

Let's be honest here, what ISN'T a harpoon good for? More like harPWN.

We recently posted about pre-order availability of the Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe Edition. The Inquisitor's Edition is now also up for pre-order.

Considering the FF games are typically 40++ hours depending on how much you want to do..... yeah.

The original article stated it would be free to play, not just free. "Free" to play is purposefully designed to fuck you for all you're worth.

So the TF2 model. ...Great. Here come the hats. In... Unreal Tournament. ....Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Because I need your approval. ...Oh, wait... nope. Don't give a fuck.

That's likely. Except I'm playing the same games everyone else is.

Never went to an arcade. Irrelevant. And also just as horrible.

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Instantly not interested. I miss the days when games weren't out to put dick in your butt.

32. Edge

I can't see that shape without thinking of Wutang. Not sure why.