
Yeah, I played the first 30 hours of the "game". If you really think that's acceptable in any way, then you REALLY need help. It absolutely is not. And just because the game opens up later (much, much, MUCH FUCKING WAY LATER) doesn't make up for the retarded story and horrible combat system.

Mmm, and FFXIII being shit as a game, and not being engaging in any way as a story isn't my opinion and therefore I can't throw it out there because..... ????

I have watched them. Think they're pretty great. But you don't see me trying to get preachy like ERMAGERD U GAIZ JUZ HAET CUZ IS GR8 GAEM U DUN GIDDIT HIDEO KOJIMA SAMASAN R DA BEZT MAKR UV GAEMZ. 'Cuz... y'know... them 45min cutscenes. One of my favorite movies though. XIII, not so much.

Is there a reason you felt the need to ask that?

Lol. Right. I played XIII, the combat took care of itself, you walked down a corridor, watched some dialog, wash, rinse, repeat. There's nothing engaging about the combat AT ALL. You occasionally switch paradigms, then select auto again. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Movie of the Year, all years.

So, you like hitting X about once every 2-3 minutes and having the AI sort it all out for you? That's nice. I'm glad you enjoyed your movie.

Yeah, that makes sense. I have an account and all that, but when I go to check out it throws me a big yellow box telling my my account is cancelled, somethings wrong with it, blah blah blah, contact support. Working on that.

I was actually about to be really angry if they were shoving subs on people in order for them

So what's up with the ME trilogy from GameFly? Do you have to have an active subscription to buy from them? Who thought that made sense, other than the financial officer?

I wouldn't get my hopes up. Devs hate PC for some reason. Major Nelson is a promoter for 360 stuff though, I think? ...So maybe it was just an omission due to irrelevance.

Ummm... you're aware that to get on steam takes $$$$$, right? And to get on Greenlight I think it's like $100. Other people get the "red carpet treatment" because they paid for it. Indies can't. I thought that was the whole reason they made Greenlight.

I like a lot more indie games these days than I do AAA's. The big

I'm with Valve on this one. That kind of backdooring leads to more political garbage in the games industry in the long run, and would only serve to strengthen publishers. I'm not a fan of publishers.

The way Greenlight is designed should work, and if you can't get enough votes to get Greenlit, maybe that's because

Metal Gear Solid release 1998. 2013 - 1998 = 15.

Explains why Starbucks' coffee tastes like ass.

Ah, cool. Should find>replace all "Xbox One" with "Shit" and everyone wins.

It could be that way, if we weren't demanding more performance as well. If the performance were the same, but technology progressed, things would be microscopic by now. But we'd still be playing Quake 2 instead of Battlefield 3.

That would be valid... except my internet just got done taking a shit. Which is does quite often. Your argument is only valid with one alteration. "If you can afford business class internet with 99.99999% uptime, stop crying!" ...Except most can't. Let the think-they-know-best retards continue harping on it like their

Shouldn't be that hard actually... HDMI can turn on the TV when it gets the signal to do so. If the Kinect/XB1 are in standby, you could just say "TV on" and magic things happen.


* Lol. I post that with 0 annotation and magically there's about 50 there. So much for getting the one no one else could figure out.

I don't know why, the original >>>>>> DS version all the way.