Iron man what are you doing in Gotham tho? D:
"It's not that I don't like open worlds. It's I have four Elder Scrolls games installed on my PC right now. Not to mention 800 open world Ubisoft games."
Well shit...its looks like you DO like to walk to everything you can see in a (Bethesda and Ubisoft) game.
LOL please share with us whats the right ratio of "shit" to put in a game.
Ahaha , i love watching from the sidelines when someone realizes that this "blog" is turning to shit/is shit/was always shit(?).
i remember when Totilo was invited to gaming discussions with people in the industry on gametrailers, now all we get is "Dear diary…" articles like the brony stuff or pokemon spam from…
"And Suarez bit an Italian on the shoulder, not a Dutchman on the elbow. But whatever!" give him time...
Yeah...no. They lost me when they actually started showing how they play, and suck at it (maybe on purpose to say it was shit), and the over the top forced man-child swearing began (reminds me of the Irate Gamer).
Fuck the date! 4 characters on the poster and they're all male, fucking Paramount! #Women2Hard2CGI
Senior advisor of said study.
Well shit, 3 Hercules movies in the same year and they all suck? Thats like "all the planets are aligned and the virgins have been sacrificed" type of cosmic event right?
Dragon Ball Z is kind of irrelevant these days unless you're making a list of animes or if its related to Team 4 Star.
I have yet to meet a fake gamer/geek girl or a "real nerd" asking girls for their "nerd credentials", is this an american thing?
"I agree with the above statement, but we have to take into account this is China. Things work differently. We can't expect our values, or humor, to translate over T-T."
You are not wrong , but it was a bit awkward. Still , now you know who he is.
Well this is awkward...why did you checked this article if you don't know who he is?
That is true, however we are still talking about diferent things (AC Unity development funds =/= FC4 Marketing funds), not to mention that this "stunt" was probably planned before the co-op skin became an "issue".
Personaly i think that the problem with the AC franchise is the "call of duty production cycle"(1 game…
Yeah its weird, its almost like both things...are totaly unrelated D:
Sonic Racing: Each driver in this game is assigned their own vehicle. You're not just getting one vehicle here, however. The game is called Racing Transformed because each of the vehicles switches between three different modes—a car, a boat, and a plane. Your vehicle swaps between the three throughout the races…