
PS:Actual cock needed to cock this harpoon pre-order weapon.

Clearly, considering doritos are triangle-shapped and pringles come in a tube.

Is this some product placement? Will Geoff Keighley be joining that man-sandwich

This far? Is getting a written apology about a stupid-looking kiddie app (i cant even call this crap a game) some kind of victory or something to be proud? It wont change anything (the "game" is still the same), it will be forgotten soon and nothing will be learned from this...
Well actually I learned something, I've

Heck no, here they are just different vehicles with different stats instead of trying to grow a personality and become a legitimate character , so its okay :D

For real tho , they still kind of suck and the other Sega characters are usually better lulz!
Shonobi ftw!

I get where you're coming from, but I think you are a bit misguided here. Nintendo is just making a game, not an attack on the gay community and saying that they are is just digging for conflict when there is none.
They have the right to make their intellectual property the way the want it, and Nintendo being a

"You can either be a normal, civilized person or a bigot."
LOL i'm sure that dealing in absolutes will lead to a healthy and fair debate with lots of understanding. Let me try it - HEY everyone that isnt straight, either stop feeling so entitled all the time and trying to get a token gay character in every form of

That is true, but i guess they wanted their game to be like that.
People have the right to ask for them to change it and they have the right to say no. You may ask them the reason why they chose to make it like that, i guess.

Exactly, and gay marriage wasnt one of them, like many other aspects/"options" related to relationships.
People may "petition"(more like demand and them go all "civil rights movement" if they get a No) for Nintendo to include that option but it is their game/intellectual property and they have the right to make it the

Oh boy, cant wait to see Kotaku's posts about this being a game based on a stolen idea, or does it need to make a profit for you to tell me i should be offended by this?

Not according to their statement:
"The ability for same-sex relationships to occur in the game was not part of the original game that launched in Japan(...)"

Of course, denying gay people the right to get married in a game about relationships and marriage is itself "social commentary."

That much i already know, my question was based of that, and you didnt give me and example of when is a person sexuality asked (outside of medical reasons or dating).
What im seeing here is people using others people experiences instead of people that actualy lived it, so the message loses its meaning and it just

"..you have to go through life with people making incorrect assumptions about your sexual identity, and you have to constantly correct and clarify..."

Im curious, how often do you have to correct and clarify your sexuality and under what circumstances(medical reasons and dating dont count)?

QUILTBAG is also very close to being GuiltBag O.o

So Avril went from rocker/skater girl to this japanese doll thing persona? is she turning into Hannah Minx?

Your only option is to become the most expensive "service" at the brothel.

"Hi, i will be your lord savior and i totally expect one of you to stab me in the back...but lets kill some dragons first!"
#IconicImagery #symbolism #betrayal

You are the definition of "doing it right", well done!
+10 approval rating

The blond guy is most likely templar Cullen from DA:O and DA2