
"The aircraft of 2025 can go up to 85 percent of the speed of sound while carrying up to 100,000 pounds"

I doubt AT&T has any say over whether their iPhones get mobile hotspot or not. At least not if they want to keep selling Steve Job's iPhone they don't.

I'm so glad this never happened.

"Possibly over time, an aging population will make public policies more far-sighted"

Finally, we'll get to see how many of those dropped calls are actually caused by the network vs. the hardware.

What exactly are we talking about when the article mentions 'soot'?

I can't wait to use one to minority-report-ify my workspace :P

@Megxers: Much better answer from that link:

what could possibly explain the magical increase in earthquakes between 2000 and 2010? That doesn't make any sense.

first warning sign:

@farkas.aj: 123456 is the single most common password, 1234 comes in different places depending on where the data comes from and how exactly it is counted, but is universally in the top five.

@farkas.aj: statistically, 1234 and it's derivatives (12345, 123456 etc.) are among the most common passwords, a trained monkey could just try random user names with that password and expect a better than 1 in 100 hit rate

What happened to America that we now pay more than eight billion dollars annually to not be defended against 'terrorists' who aren't even that much of a threat?

@deafblindmute: I can't believe this conversation is actually happening. Seriously, the idea of terrorists attacking tethered balloons is too ridiculous to be considered.

@Damob: The Earth absorbs less than two petawatts from the sun, and only about half of that in the upper atmosphere.