Please give it a rest...

It would be awesome to call it Argentene.

First thing that came into my mind. I easily (and proudly) up that diameter on a regular basis.

That's a fantastic reflection on all this sensationalist BS.

I am drop-dead devoted to my most classic (though made in 2008) Speedmaster Pro.

I am drop-dead devoted to my most classic (though made in 2008) Speedmaster Pro.

Long fingernails are disgusting, unless you play fingerpicked guitar like flamenco or if you are Mark Knopfler. This is the first thing I noticed in the movie and it got me completely off focus from the topic of the film.

I'd say as a very occasionally spanking parent, that the fear I once saw in my kid's eyes when he knew something was coming is the main reason I almost no longer do it. I'm not very young and my patience has grown increasingly fragile with the years, but once you see they fear a spank, enough damage has been done and

Shepard does not approve.

Well played...

Comment from my converted account that didn't merge comments:

That arm pain is down to blood pressure/circulation. I have it too sometimes and it scares the bejeezus out of me.

I'm rolling on the floor here. That's a good one. Brings an entire new meaning to "taking the piss" off a little boy. Not that I used that expression ever before.

Bloody hell! Now I wish I was named Luke. Or Maul.

Got an iPad last November. My 2 ½ yr old stole it and is not letting go. Not even sure if it's good for his development, but it definitely keeps him busy.

They will, if push comes to shovel.

I was just reading that previous post about lightsabers, so give me a break before I start:

Apologies in advance for my ignorance, but how the hell is mm³ a measure unit for area?

I believe the voice of the tribe will be..."What do you expect? They're fucking tourists!"

"Is this just human nature?"