
Is it just me or has Nerf Now gone fucking crazy with its use of tits and ass. I read the strip a lot through the last couple of years and it seems like every other comic features giant tits or a woman in some strange (I guess he thinks sexy?) pose.


Having met Marty before, the circumstances behind his departure from Bungie really tainted the game for me. Almost enough for me to want to boycott it. I'm an amateur composer. He's my hero, man. You do not fire my hero.

There was a moment when I was in a firefight against the Fallen and this epic battle music kicked in. I completely forgot I was playing Destiny. Like, for about a solid minute I thought I was playing Halo before I realized I wasn't. It made me realize how much Halo is incomplete without his music.

Sadly, it's the only thing about the game (at least the Beta) that's any good at all. Which may be why it's distracting. It's the only element worth noticing. This really, really feels like an MMO to me. And I'm sure anyone who buys it will be paying for it like it's an MMO (plus the $60 launch price and mandatory PSN

But didn't he know? If it wasn't legitimate vaginal sex, the human rectum has ways to try to shut that whole thing down!!

This particular meme seems all the more appropriate right now.

"I'm not stuck in here with you; YOU'RE STUCK IN HERE WITH ME!"

Da GiRl WoKe fRom Her Heart SergeRy anD coUldn't SeE hEe BoYfrAnd: WHERE IS HE? SHE SCREAMED OMG.

lyk dis if u cry evrytime

I'm sorry, but your headline really oversold it. This is approximately the level terror this inspired:

Dat's nufin

The Irony of fox news co-opting a logo from a game that is against bigotry, xenophobia, closed borders and blind religious zealotry is just too good to spoil.

The fact they're so adamant ("So uuuuuunplug the jukebox...") about Lady Stoneheart not being in the show screams "misdirection" to me. Anyone else agree?

Your metaphor is off. It's more like trying to explain why the color red can predict the kind of day you're going to have, which is irrational, but explaining the color red itself is simple science.

+1 salmon

Well, yeah, I can see her point. Most Pisces relationships end up with the male showing up for a brief period of time to fertilize the eggs and then either dying or getting eaten by grizzly bears. Glad things worked out though.

But you may get divorced someday in the next 50 years, and THEN we'll see who's laughing!

I once dated a girl who told me that our relationship would never work because we were both Pisces and Pisces don't have good relationships with each other.