
Well said. That is a perverted and slippery slope. How disturbing that such views are becoming more and more prevalent.

It only just occurred to me, thanks to you, how many times I've pulled ice cream and/or aforementioned cake out of trash cans hahaha. Methinks Booker may be part goat...


Somebody get that man a baby!

According to the BioShock Wiki, April 19th, 1874 is Booker DeWitt's birthday. Today is April 19th. So, let's celebrate! This obviously calls for tiaras and sparkles, if you ask me.

Not for people with depression. Depression at its core is pain. It also cuts you off from others which makes you spiral down into depression even worse. For those who are truly depressed, as opposed to those seeking attention, depression gets to the point where sometimes ending it all is the only way to end the

OMG. Is Byzantium about the unsolved 1996 murder of the Kool-Aid Man?

I know this will probably be written off as some generic "nerd-rage" post, but I honestly feel like they've sort of ruined the allure of Mewtwo with this.

Not at all. The problem is the derision and condescension in the first paragraph—in that the author chose to be patient with Malmberg's issue with the game. I found Malmberg's refusal to play a bit ridiculous too, but it's what he believed.

"Really, truly, we don't care. No one does."

Your own statement is hypocritical, because the hubris you're accusing Jordan of is in your post. What makes you speak for the majority of non-Christians? I've seen several other extremely polite atheist and agnostic posts, so clearly you do not. Unless you've taken a poll of everyone on the Internet that came up with

Well baptism is more a sign of faith than the act that causes it to be. John the Baptist was baptizing people before Jesus began his ministry.

Religion isn't the problem, humanity is.

Huh. I'm not religious but that's certainly an interesting perspective on it. Infinite has been much over-analysed lately but you have a fresh angle here. Certainly food for thought.

Wonderfully said. I think a lot of what you said resides in the story. That Bioshock Infinite's team did a great job of showing the pitfalls of religion when people blindly follow (which often leads to fanaticism, hate, aka Comstalk) as opposed to those who actively engage, question, and improve upon their faith which

thats a low blow dude...

Thank you for posting a fellow Christian voice on this game. It was very well written IMO.