I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.
The genre is referred to as AG Racing, which stands for anti-gravity. But sure, let’s continue argue over shit for no reason.
Pics or
All religions are wrong. We'd be much better off if everyone would just accept that and move on.
Also helps that Wolfenstein TNO has great theme and *gasp* actually good side characters and a decent story.
I was actually a student teacher in a grade 10 science class where we used Spore for a massive project to connect units on biology, chemistry, physics, and weather units by having groups of students create solar systems with an inhabited planet and talk about the cycles and food web that sustain that planet as well as…
The thing about games is that you want them to be unrealistic. The stronger the feedback is, the better it feels. The talk by Jan Willem Nijman does a great job of explaining why that works.
Any bets taken on which modded variant mini-game they’re gonna “create” next?
A guy who doesn’t consider Quake to be one of the best FPS ever doesn’t deserve to talk about FPS games. Get the fuck out my face.
Yes. Several.
You’re arguement is pretty good, except for one thing: you’re forgetting about the Vortigaunts. They’re why Gordon Freeman has the reputation he has in Half-Life 2. They were previously enslaved by the Nihilanth (who may have been a rebel against the Combine, but was the one leading the assault against Earth in…
One of my favourite enemies ever, and probably simply because as a child I was no where near as quick on the aim as I am now, are head crabs and their poisonous black cousins. Especially their poisonous black cousins. Hard to kill? Not exactly. But they were ever present, but not overbearingly so. They moved quite…
If you play a game for 50 hours and ask for a refund you are a lame ass.
Don’t forgot how great that worked for Cows.
MLA guidelines:
Shocking! Who would have thought that you would use the actual name of the game you're writing about?? It's blasphemous, and you're scum for it!