Usopp's bicycle is missing "one piece"... sorry ¬¬
Usopp's bicycle is missing "one piece"... sorry ¬¬
Fuck, calling Discovery channel to have everyone fired.
Steam is slowly getting less and less favorable in my opinion. It would be next to impossible to drop them completely as a service though, given the amount of games I have there - I really hope another company steps up and gets them back on track via competition.
Eh, I look at specs and compare. Look at my last card and my wallet. For X dollars i can get a card that is specwise better than my old one. I will constantly switch brands because of it
No. the actual act in the comic wouldn't. The implication of it happening to make you feel guilt about not staying there forever to save everybody, is what's funny. We go to areas in an MMO and need to save x number of slaves. Why not all the slaves? What happens to them when you're gone. Worst case scenario…
That's ridiculous. It's a comic about the worst possible scenario that somebody would face when you left to make you feel uber guilty about not staying there forever to save everyone even though it's an MMO.
I have to laugh everytime I see this. And the answer to the idiots is even better.
I think a 911 call is in order.
The solution to your mystery is contained in your own post.
There was blowback for that comic? Man, people are really sensitive nowadays. We really need to peel back a few layers of bubble wrap from society.
Well shit. Families of victims of war are around too. Guess we better stop making video games about war before they have flashbacks too.
It wasn't a joke ABOUT rape. They were trying to think of the worst possible thing that could happen to these people when you leave them behind because you're done with your quest. They were saying rape is one the WORST things. That said, they handled all the blow back pretty terribly.
if i were a google programmer, i would make the results for that 1 result that has text that says"extremely tiny" and a picture of a girl laughing and pointing.
This is just a rip off of a Reddit troll comment.