
before starting my career as a dev, in the 90s and early 00s, I had the utmost respect of game developers, after all they were the people making all those awesome worlds I adored. Some devs, like Jordan Mechner, Carmack and Romero, Will Wright, Sid Meier, Richard Garriot, Eric Chahi etc were basically my personal gods

you are free of not using the epic launcher, you are not free to choose where developers want to sell their games, so stfu really

sure, that’s really rude, and they should hire a pr person or just let their publisher handle this stuff as they’re clearly not fit to do pr. That one is a normal concern, but it’s also true that the vast majority of people are complaining just because they feel like they can

how that makes it ok for people to harass the developers? their announcement was insulting only if you consider yourself part of that angry gamer group, a group that deserves all the mockery it can get

the level of snark is never enough against these fucking manbabies tbh

good. no one is owed a spot and they have plenty of room to speak online

the game itself is super common, but not mint sealed and some collectors are mad

you say that like english rap is any good

the microtransactions element clashes so much with this game trying to be “art”, very odd choice. Other than that this game looks insanely good for a mobile game

sure but this is one episode vs how many people shooting inside schools in usa?

it’s not the same specs, it’s the same battery as the old one but with the same chip as the lite, that has better power consumption. the lite has a smaller battery compared to the original switch model but still has a longer battery life thanks to the new hardware. Nintendo is just updating the hardware on the normal

as soon as the entry barrier for something that performs as good as valve index for example will be low enough for the masses and not just for enthusiast it will be big, it’s just a matter of time. Now that the technology is there and there are multiple big companies poking at it it’s just a matter of hardware

shame it’s the americanzilla

I think it’s easier to get influenced to smoke than to go around with a chainsaw strapped to a gun. It’s a franchise played a lot by teens and young adults 

So it’s more complex than the original (thankfully, that was ok as a 16bit game, but I’d expect a lot more nowadays) but I don’t get why it’s a bad thing from the article, why it’s a mess? is the interface confusing? is it the gameplay?

especially they risk killing someone else, and that is the most important thing here really

considering the original model gets overclocked in dock mode and needs a fan I don’t think it’s dumb. You would need a smaller dock and an external gamepad, defeating the whole purpose of a budget model

and shiren the wanderer, the best game on the system

touch controls are perfectly fine if not the preferred way of playing (lots of puzzle or strategy games, or even shumps), you don’t need to be online for the vast majority of games and there are plenty of great games with normal business models or even downright completely free