they are also directly cloning a game that works so it’s hard to fuck it up unless they try to make it heavily pay2win... oh, wait a sec
Battletech was great.
Gears Pop and Gears Tactics are not directly developed by The Coalition, they are working on gears5
and Sonic.
....from the movie
Diddy Kong Racing Tactics.
that’s screen space, it’s basically a hack, not real path tracing
well no, there’s Quake 2
Yes! it’s exactly that. I’m reading people criticizing the fact that it doesn’t use stuff from Doom 2 or anything outside vanilla doom, missing the point entirely. Or even how “levels are not fast paced” completely forgetting that doom was never that fast paced. Back then no one used to play it circle strafing all the…
“Riot’s argument is simple: Those women waived their rights to sue the company when they were hired.”
is that something you can do in the us? pretty sure it’s impossible to do anything like that in europe
just like basically any 2d game past 1999
it’s his job, you idiot
eh, not really, cartoons of that era had a lot going on. example:
that’s fucking disgusting, and then people blather about gaming journalism having a problem... these guys gets paid this much to basically sell you product and they don’t even properly disclose it
no, not really, the only ones posting about this are the usual altright snowflakes like you, all posting how supposedly people would be “triggered” while normal people just eyeroll
day one patches are a very, very good thing.
ubisoft is making a splinter cell game
you know you can directly buy any item right? there’s no need for loot boxes, you can just directly buy whatever cosmetic crap you want
the game is completely free and it actually lacks real ways to spend money on it, I’m surprised how easy is to unlock the two other characters (I only played 15 hours or something so far and I’m close to getting one already), so I think it’s getting big numbers but not so big money atm, for once it clearly shows they…
his music is absolute shit and always have been lol