
that’s indeed good, as most games with loot boxes have a scrap system that give you back some credits. I don’t think loot boxes are bad, it’s fun to get something random from time to time and I’m ok with the system in f2p games, as long as they’re not the only way to get stuff

or the digital equivalent: loot boxes

“You give a Gacha 50 lindens, it spits out a random reward“
so... it’s a lootbox 

because they’re reporting a news?

what what in the Butts


still better than the cg one

“ for so long that eventually the kinda-dodgy puppet of him seen in The Phantom Menace got painted over with the CG Yoda in the 2011 Blu-ray rerelease. “

eh, kinda dodgy? It looked just fine, while the cg one looks, well, like 2010s dvd-budget cg.

“Or you could just see a movie, spend time with your family”

doesn’t matter tbh, you have every rights to make that face if someone is flashing genitalia at you, whatever form or shape, and as she clearly didn’t disclose that information before flashing it’s sexual assault.

The power of VR: turning L.A. Noire in an “instabuy” title in 2017

nah, you are clearly wrong *sips blue milk*

damn D:

maybe at that speed tie fighters can’t keep up, so no one can use small fighters during that kind of pursuit (or well, the “prey” ship can launch fighters backward to damage or slow down the hunters but knowing that they cannot get back in and are going to get left behind)

it’s blue milk. I mean, it’s actually kind of green, but the bantha milk is commonly called “blue milk” (even if the one in the new movie was definitely not a bantha). And besides A New Hope it’s also shown in Rogue One and in Attack of the Clones:

Great to see Satoshi Kon getting some love here (Perfect Blue, Paprika).
To anyone that either watched or plan to watch one of his movies: read the letter he left before passing away, and look at the Paprika “making of” documentary to really understand the mind behind those masterpieces, it’s really worth it.
Here’s his

using a model as default makes all the sense in the world and there’s nothing sexist about it, I’m the first to call it when I see it, but really, you just don’t know how it works

yes but you don’t model the whole thing on male models so it’s not even a problem.
“is simply sexism.” uhh No. Absofuckinglutely that’s not the case. Because for one thing, the model looks just worse with lower boobs. 
This game just have ugly looking characters, made from an non experienced enough artist, that’s it

character artist job ->make stuff look nice and correct
rendering \ core tech \ gameplay programmer job -> make optimizations

as you can see, different sets of people, different stuff they are supposed to work on. So your comment makes no sense whatsoever.

yeah the title is not the best way to put it, even because the guy didn’t even “invented” a coffee shop, he tried to scam people by using an existing one