
the bottom ones are real, the ones with steam keys and english text are fake

mmmmh... ok?

counting jumps when pressing A to talk to someone is the actual bug. faulty logic is what leads to bugs.

so talking with npcs counts as a jump but not jumping using cappy... that counter is truly bugged

seems like they went for really obvious cameos and in-your-face stuff... I just hope they still keep the more obscure stuff like Zork, the TRS-80 and so on.
I’m getting a really bad vibe from this second trailer

the updated headset is a very minor revision

if you liked Ico, yes. it’s a masterpiece.

why. why everything needs to be “dark souls but minus that and plus that and...” looks nothing like dark souls. Dark souls didn’t invent dark fantasy.

Awfulmazing. we need a word like that to describe stuff like The Precursors, White Gold, Pathologic, The Void, Daemonica... and I’ve played them all. I’ve played shit you people wouldn’t believe. Russian first person shooters that rip-off They Live. Hack ‘n slashes with the clunkiest interface yet incredible quests.

holy crap, NoClip makes 20k A MONTH on Patron? I need to change job...

you should really work on your reading comprehension. Besides, games also scale difficulty automatically and have plenty of other ways to adjust difficulty that are not a menu, Mario games for example have an assist mode

as you said, it’s a joke on the original wolf 3d... Most games just have an “easy” setting, so it’s kind of a non existing problem if you can only pick a single case.  “don’t hurt me” is easy as well, so you can just go with that one... this game should actually be praised for the vast range of difficulty settings to

well, he starred in Dragonball Z for example...

no irony at all, it’s perfectly normal if you know how emulators work

and I’m a developer, play more games then. From Software games are pretty much the exception to the rule and having difficulty choices is commonly seen as a good feature, only assholes think that it dumbs the game down

for anime it’s not just because it’s faster, it’s also because many people can work on cg while keeping the same style\quality, it’s much harder in 2d, where you still need experiences 2d animators to make key poses

it’s because it’s cheap.

They had to because it makes all the sense in the world to have a more accessible game. It’s a smart move and it allows you to train in an easier setting. even super hardcore games like Alien Soldier had easy\hard modes with different endings and boss phases.
Are you one of those that get hurt in their hardcore gamer

oh ok so you just like to defend greedy corporations for some reason or shit on “broke gamers”, whatever floats your boat man, it’s a weird kink