
EU is far, far away to be socialist, or even remotely left-winged for my standards, sadly.

“ On a party-line vote, it imposed heavy-handed, utility-style regulations upon the Internet.” BECAUSE IN 2017 IT’S A FUCKING UTILITY.

the shittiest thing is that this people even use names like “Restoring Internet Freedom Order”. How much can you really twist reality to appear that you are doing the exact opposite thing you say you are doing?

too bad they post stuff without writing what’s the anime it was taken from.... damned hipsters!

Alone in the dark scared the shit out of me too, but I kept playing it, what a fantastic game... but Doom used to be the game that scared but also intrigued me the most

I’m a programmer so while a game can be immersive, and ZBotW is excellent, I still see all the hardware limitations, slowdowns, weird ik glitches... besides the low specs it’s still one of the most polished games out there anyway

I can see that working for non-safe neighborhoods, even if the coolest thing about trick-or-treating is going around alone 

omfg why so many kotaku commenters suffer from asperger’s

The cancellation of Scalebound doesn’t mean a thing, you don’t even know how many games as big as that gets canceled that are not even announced, after years of development.
You cannot ask me to list a successful japanese xbox exclusive because there aren’t any. It’s a vicious cycle. You also clearly don’t understand

it’s completely untrue

yes, that’s what I said

that’s incredibly sad D:

ok sorry you must be autistic

yes definitely, now you don’t really say “for microsoft windows” you just say “for PC”. Same thing when back in the days games were for IBM-Compatible systems, and that meant it was software for MS-DOS

No you clearly didn’t, you don’t get my argument at all. I’ll try to put things in an even simpler way:

it does a very bad job if that’s the case, on top the amount of aliasing doesn’t help the watercolor feeling at all

clearly you didn’t even read the article before commenting, and you even got 255 idiots starring your comment

heh “artistic work”, it’s entirely subjective and I always though BotW looked very washed out. Also colors can change dramatically between a TV screen, an PC monitor or even the switch screen.
This thing probably oversaturate everything, but you can tune it to your screen

also the author changed it from microsoft windows to PC, so he got my point and didn’t think it was stupid, now gtfo

in that case you say “on PC” not “on Microsoft Windows” making it sound like somehow microsoft is supporting the game on windows but not on xbox. Btw, the article was edited so Brian got my point, we can stop here