
only because you cannot even understand it, it doesn’t make it stupid

yes but you don’t sell your games on windows, you sell your game on steam

yes but that information is completely irrelevant to the topic

yeah but the point that comes off is that microsoft has some japanese games on pc, it’s not true, they run on windows because every game on pc runs on windows, but they’re on steam. the article talks about gaming platforms

no one buys an XB1 for Japanese games because there are no japanese games.
Steam had no visual novels and no one bought them, now they have and they sell them like hot cakes.

“NIS America releases most of its games on PlayStation platforms, but has released several of its titles on Microsoft Windows”
This is kind of wrong there are no NIS america games on the windows store. They are on Steam. If you mean they run on windows... well... it’s an operating system not a games platform. I don’t


Oh ok, I can definitely see your point of view then :) I can only say, it’s not always like that. One thing is to strive for always doing the best, the other is making everything always out of reach and squeeze everyone down

damn, that’s so stupid. A good and focused single player story driven AAA Star Wars game would have sold very well.

I guess you’re a dev too? I’ve been in the game industry for 10 years, there are some companies with that mindset *coughRockstarcough*, but generally it’s not true, you don’t have to commit every waking moment to building a game, most companies nowadays care for the health of their employees... on the other hand,

they are hemorrhaging talent because they do insanely long crunch periods and the pay is crappy

“ If you’re not ready to commit every waking moment to building a game, it’s not a job for you.”
That’s plain fucking stupid.

besides Cameron’s 3d game in season 4 (Pilgrim)... that was completely wrong. It showed high res 3d with bilinear filtered textures, and it’s supposed to be something from the early ‘90s... something looking like that would have rocked the industry back then.

that’s super awesome.

*Tecmo world cup, fixed for you

(heh, at the moment my social life is kind of a mess tbh, even if I moved to london 2 years ago and I work in a big company in the game industry, so I’m surrounded by very cool and likely minded people, I still find difficult to “click” with someone in particular and I find myself missing my old friends a lot :( but I

it’s a joke :) thanks for getting it, but still it’s kind of a stupid excuse for nintendo to not have Mother 3 in japan, besides, there’s plenty of space for more roms in the device memory, the selected number of titles is completely artificial

Hahahahaha, FYI: No.

agreed, there were much, 16bit much better soccer games both for snes and megadrive. Super Soccer was just a clumsy way to showcase mode7. In a way it’s a very consistent sequel to the original NES Soccer: they are both shit

I know your message wasn’t for me but dude, this cannot be healthy for you, are you ok?