
I once asked sony for a ps3 kit and got a refurbished devkit that was probably coming from Capcom, because the box had “CAPCOM” written with a marker on it... I still have both the box and the ps3 devkit... I also have a 3DS devkit just laying around

I can totally relate to this, I work in the game industry (graphics\gameplay programmer) and we have tons of NDAs, I know a lot of stuff, back then I knew how the ps3 looked, I knew that Microsoft was probably going to acquire an important studio at some point, I obviously knew about the games I worked on, but

it’s partially also why most voice acting in games fucking sucks

??? you can play Majora’s Mask on a regular 3DS

from an original 3ds and 3ds xl owner: that hurts so much :/

and I’ll buy every single one of them :(

If a band puts their stuff on spotify, then you are totally entitled to just pay for the service and listen to whatever you want, there’s nothing shitty in it.
And before you even start: yes, I still buy CDs.

hell yeah you can, I have both a normal 3ds and an XL, the resolution is pretty damn low and almost any 3d game look like shit, it’s the main reason I mostly play 2d games on it, the other one is that I like to use the dpad when possible

you know it’s a video right? like literally it’s a video displayed on top of the damn thing with something like Aftereffects, there’s a green screen over everything and people are not actually playing the games.

PORTABLE SKYRIM, my girlfriend will be all over it


I get they wanted to go with that “inverted” design and all.. but 4 stupid buttons instead of a proper dpad? WTF NINTENDO

this is fantastic.

the first one was pretty much a lightweight strategy game with fights resolved in an asteroids-style fashion. It was great fun in multiplayer and not that great in single. SC2 is the best one, they pretty much cloned Starflight and did an even better job

Starflight had the same planetary exploration, Star Control II took that from Starflight, then the Starflight remake for the sega megadrive in turn took a bunch of stuff from Star Control II...
Starflight also has a race called by everyone “The Ancients Ones” and androids

Starflight and Starcontrol II are fantastic. Starcontrol I not so much

calm down, this is a rom, not a fan game. read the article before jumping to conclusions. Nintendo never, ever, sent a C&D for a rom translation project.

definitely 3d models, they look way worse than anything from ghibli

“There seems to be a resolution trade-off or at least graphics don’t look as crisp and vivid as they do on your TV.”

Well yeah, psvr monitor has a good resolution but it’s cut in half so you have “half-full-hd” per eye, that is pretty low already, then the game is splatted on a texture on a floating polygon

you did a great job! congrats! :)

he was cosplaying as a tank but he’s totally a support