
it’s not like the console version is any better

Not much. You should start with Ys Origin, it’s the best of the modern ones

nice sound dump and remaster, but digital music (especially chiptune) in vinyl makes no sense, it’s such an hipster thing

“when then-Kotaku editor-in-chief Brian Crecente embarrassed Sony out of blacklisting this outlet”

omg that old Kotaku template

it’s because they are umd copies, it’s a psp game.

I can play all my old PC games on my newest PC, most of them without problems, others just need some patching.
For old dos games there’s dosbox, old windows 3d games can be a bit more problematic if they were made for particular 3d cards that aren’t used today, like 3dfx cards, but there are always ways to make them

as a PC gamer this is something I never thought, not having the possibility to play all my old games or my 800+ games on my steam account on a new machine would really suck. When I get a new pc the first thing I do is hopping into steam and play some essentials like half-life 2

this is awesome, quite recognizable

There’s a free game that acts as demo\prologue to the game called Pink Hour and it’s truly charming, you can grab it from Playism (the publisher) site here:…

I played the free “prologue” demo called Pink Hour:…and found it as charming as cave story. And it’s very similar in play style, I still don’t know if it’s good as cave story but it’s good. And if you like Cave Story you should give it a go

“I’m sure the dev did some serious work”
Yeah, they pretty much wrote all the animation and lighting system and a lot of other tools. With 4 years of development. They did an amazingly good job and the game is great.
Their GDC “making of” here:…

it runs pretty good on my laptop actually

it's a completely different thing. this is a game that looks like a f2p game but asks for AAA premium price and it's going to be f2p anyway

indeed, they'll switch to f2p to maintain a good player base, this game has f2p written all over it

I'd get it but I fear this one is going to be just like TF2 down the road, it will probably get f2p after few months.

that’s because you are a journalist (and possibly a seer and\or a time traveler)

even if they were only flat shaded and not even textured 3d models, they were quite detailed!they were mitts in the 32x version:

this one has “cheap ‘90s cg” all over it

txt format doesn’t store information like fonts, but for only $40 you can have the prestigious .doc collector’s edition (including two formats, .doc and for retro nostalgics: .rtf )