
steam is a real shithole nowadays... fuck the everyone can submit content model and bring back the curated, closed, store

the weird moment when you can’t tell if a game is a topdown shooter or it’s zero gravity from the side

powerpoint it not over, and humanity will probably be over way before powerpoint. Roaches will learn and use it for a long time after us, projecting their “.ppt”s over a pile of skulls

He clearly knows what he’s talking about

at least it’s practically impossible for it to be worst than their current one, both account system and eshop are so dumb and broken at the point that they don’t even look prehistorical , they look like an alien artifact from a long lost race that was so dumb they all died because they forgot how to breath.

PS put all

good list but I’d put Paprika from Satoshi Kon instead of Inception

“A.I. was one of the best sci-fi movies I’ve ever seen.”
If you skip the awful and embarrassingly long ending

they already do that by viewing what they like, there’s no more direct way of “vote with clicks”

“Both creators and users have been asking for a YouTube subscription service and that’s why we built YouTube Red”
said someone that clearly lives on a wildly different parallel universe

there's also Zelda Classic that's like 10 years old and has (had) a gigantic community with a lot of zelda fan games made with it, sometimes entire quests

cleaning the screen wrong? like

and that’s why they should let people add and search friends by username like any other thing on the planet

if you have a faulty 10nes you just have to cut one pin to disable it! It's how I got my current nes, a friend of mine had this faulty nes and had just got a new one, and he said the broken one could be mine if I were able to fix it, one hour later I was playing california games on my new NES (that game sucks)

so difficult I could just search for an animal crossing or pokemon forum and I'll find an open thread with everyone's codes in it in two minutes. It's a shitty way to deal with the problem. They also have the eShop, the worst online store ever designed, so at least that's kind of fitting, their online experience is

so many words for something that has no sense at all. The music album comparison made me facepalm so hard...

pretty straightforward if you are in the ‘90 and your favorite im software is ICQ. And even that one had a search by username feature

they are demo codes and nintendo is giving them away to registered users, you probably got it as well, check your mail :)

it still has that stupid single or three players mode and you can't play in two with a bot right? I'd love to play it just with my gf.

it runs on the engine used for The Walking Dead, it doesn’t even look like minecraft. Minecraft engine is an unusable mess and doesn’t even allow for skeletal animations, leave alone cinematic cutscenes

yep, a caldera is a depression and doesn’t always have water, it’s a blown up volcano (or part of it).
Usually water comes and go and there are more than a single crater forming the whole thing, there are few places that even have glaciers!
source: I live over an active volcano (Etna)