I expect to be sent pictures.
They could compete in ways other than limiting the value of my game purchase by tying it to a single machine- I can think of numerous other electronics and appliances that have to rely on hardware innovation rather than software exclusives. I think it would spur innovation in that games couldn't rely on the lack of…
Alas, we'll probably never know.
Seems that way. Thanks for noticing haha.
I'm not asking for one console, but for software inter-compatibility.
I'm not asking for one console, but for software inter-compatibility. And a consumer has a right to wish for his dollar to go further. Some of us want to eek as much enjoyment out of our hobby as we can and have little disposable income. I don't think that makes us cheap asses. But good luck with your pretentiousness.
I think method of control would be an easy hurdle that could be jumped by allowing custom mapping. But, really, as far as both that and the disc reading go, we're talking new hardware designed with this mindset, not current gen. I think it could happen. I think it could work. I also think that it never will. It was…
I think it's a part of it that actually stunts innovation, it's a lazy way to give your console an advantage. "We don't need to innovate- we have Game-X that's our killer app."
I'm scrolling all up and down here trying to communicate I do not wish for "one console," just for software intercompatibility. I imagine there could still be competition, it just would come from elsewhere.
But we're at a point where we're already seeing an incredibly small number exclusives compared to the past. It doesn't make financial sense for developers really. I can count the number of must play exclusives for each current gen console on my hands. All I wish for is a world where I could play, say, Halo on my Xbox,…
The intercompatibility business model exists in almost all other media. Why would it result in one console here?
I understand they're different beasts. Ijust fail to see how competition requires a lack of software intercompatibility. I also see no reason that a model with a standardized format leaves you with one console.
To everyone speaking of lack of competition and innovation: are we resigning ourselves to the fact that software incompatibility is necessary for those things to exist? I beg to differ...
Competition and innovation can't arise from anything other tthan software incompatibility?
That's not what I'm dreaming of. Same as there isn't one type of PC or TV. Competition can stem from places other than limiting software compatibility.
How does it lead to a one console market? I don't see that happening in any other market. I continually reference everything from PCs and TVs to stoves as examples.
Hm. I'll re-look into it.
Hm. I'll re-look into it.