
It’s name... would I prefer Supreme Cloud Lord, Ripper of Roads?.. yes, but they don’t let me name cars.

I switched to Opera a while back. I’ve been toying with Firefox, but I still like Opera a little bit better, at least until I figure out the perfect configuration for it. Built in adblock, VPN and runs on chromium, so basically universal support (unless you work with Microsoft stuff like Intune and some cloud

I’m more upset I can’t buy that for myself. I’m a huge Curious George and Caps for Sale fan, despite what I will acknowledge as an adult, both being seriously f’d up books. Regardless, I have all kinds of monkey apparel.

“I hate it when people make claims like this and then can’t don’t back them up with a single example. Cite one besides “The Air That I Breathe.”

Seriously listen to the engine on the big rig and watch its forward momentum. That Model X may be provided a minuscule amount of assistance, but it sure as hell isn’t pulling a semi, that is in gear and creates slack in the line each time it blips the throttle. It’s an amusing video, but nothing more.

Dammit, I told you this would happen if you didn’t stop rocking the gondola.

I would have loved this when I was commuting long hours. I kept trying different routes to keep from zoning out, sometimes just taking a frontage road along the freeway so I wasn’t seeing the same thing over and over again. My commute was 2+ hours each way and I had three variations I would cycle through, but even so

It’s not white privileged, there are black guys on Youtube you can say the same thing about. It’s more about how shallow humans are. We see someone attractive and we automatically elevate them. If they say one thing we agree with, we automatically block out what we don’t agree with or we assume they agree with

Personally, I wish Elon would stop over promising. I get it, building a mass production line from scratch takes time. Sadly, I also get why he is kind of forced to do it... other people don’t understand what is involved in building anything at volume. People think, you come up with a widget, send it to a factory and

That site was design in Wordpress in 2009... but I have a feeling he must have used the “feels like 1999" template.

I just don’t get this car. It’s great as an offroad vehicle, but for it’s actual market it makes no sense. It’s tiny... seriously go drive one, they are really small compared to almost any SUV. It drives like what it is, a tarted up serious off-road vehicle... so in other words it drives like crap on the road. I’ve

I strongly believe in the hot coffee method.
1. First you brew a large pot of hot coffee.
2. Put it in a thermos so it stays warm.
3. Position your laptop near a window so you can watch people attempting to move their cars or drive in the snow and drink said coffee.
4. When you run out of coffee beans, order more online

I will confess that I find the idea of forcing targets for innovation to be interesting. Unfortunately, such targets are very complicated to generate and often when I read through the proposals they seem to rely on the magic of time to produce results. In order to create such a target you first must understand the

Now playing

If you put the punisher logo on your cop car and something akin to the dialogue from this bit doesn’t go through your head... you should be fired immediately:

I’m a hardcore cyclist who actively abides by the N+1 rule, but these dockless bike sharing companies need to be reigned in. They introduced the damn things in Seattle and people just leave them lying all over the place. I’m used to people complaining about us going “too fast on the trails, too slow on the roads,

Damn 6 million subs for destroying objects with coke or swimming in it. Maybe I need to copy his success with Dr. Pepper, but I hate Dr. Pepper.

France’s average work week is 39.6 hours compared to Germany’s 39.5. Going over the minimum guarantees them more vacation time. They also have amongst the highest productivity of any country. You can fault the French for many things, lazy and unproductive they are not.

I’m confused who is trolling who. Am I being told that every kid that has played Legend of Zelda and all the spin offs since the 80s has been incorrect in identifying the main character as Link? Then who is Princess Zelda? Is she like actually his sister and his real name is Link Zelda? Actually that would explain a

It may be low stress if you live in Buford Wyoming, but in most cities it’s one the highest stress jobs. It’s one of the jobs where you are most likely to get murdered and amongst the highest suicide rates. Imagine being stuck in stop and go traffic for 8-12 hours a day, driving drunks from destination pub a to pub b,

The average New York taxi cab driver does a 12 hour shift based on Schaller Consulting report from back in 2006. So, why is it surprising that Uber drivers do the same?