
It’s funny sometimes I remember crashes with uncanny precision, other times I can’t recall what happened, not that I crash a lot.

Didn’t see that bit... yeah he can eat glass.

Selling self-help tapes aside, one thing I noticed is that he built his business without the help of rich parents. I have the pleasure/curse of knowing a lot of successful people and with rare exception, all of them were able to do what they did because they either got financial capital or had their parents as a

So if he has Alzheimer’s, like members of his camp are starting to ‘leak’, do we feel sympathy for him that in his salient, functional moments he acts like Trump?

I was bitching the other day about the city spending several weeks tearing up the road to install planter center dividers where it used to be an open medium/turn lane. The traffic implications of people who are turning left no longer able to run down the middle aside, it’s basically an aesthetic add-on to the road.

Kristen you are looking at this all wrong. Bentley is looking into vegan interiors because any commoner can have a Napa leather interior nowadays. The only way to distinguish oneself from the common folk is to find materials they won’t have access to in their Honda or Mercedes C-class.

I understand a lot of people here don’t follow Korean politics. First off Moon Jae-in ran on a platform of restarting the Sunshine Policy which had previously run aground in failure due to N. Korea’s constant violations. He is also looking to remove the THAAD installations that the US has installed. He has the

It’s certainly a gamble. But, you also have to understand Korean politics. S. Korea has gone from one corrupt family running the country to the next. While the majority of the west views lil’Kim as a corrupt despot enslaving his people there are many South Korean politicians that just see him as more of the same. In

I was listening to an interview with CNN, where I had no idea what he was saying. I kept rewinding and listening trying to put words into the context of the question and what I could derive of his chain of thought, but I just couldn’t make heads or tails of what he could possibly mean. The people who are able to

Seriously how to does someone who isn’t a high school dropout that works security for Juggalo concerts, talk like that? You would have thought he would have learned English at military school or Yale. Yes, I’m being unfair the carneys at ICP concerts.

I vastly prefer to read Trump’s interviews, because they just make me laugh, listening to him makes me angry. This is like the Zumwalt except for a lot bigger. Hopefully, they will send an expert in that knows how to assuage his ego and make him feel like keeping the mag launchers was his idea and a great one. I

He doesn’t need to use a nuke. The fact of having one and specifically having one capable of being launched makes him more powerful than S. Korea. All he needs is a semi-friendly political party in S. Korea, to start re-unification talks... which Moon Jae-in and the Minjoo party definitely are.

The notion that N. Korea is building nuclear weapons because it fears the United States or any other power is ridiculous and fails to understand history and the motivations of N. Korea. The path to N. Korea’s nuclear weapons program began in 1954 and it has been a steady march impeded only by a lack money and a need

I did get a chuckle when Cruz, painted the hypocrisy of Comey’s statement regarding Huma’s e-mailing classified documents to Weiner wouldn’t be prosecutable when there were many cases of it being done to other people.

Yeah, I ramble a lot, plus this Grammarly plugin keeps bouncing my cursor around to random locations, in my post as I type, so I lose track of what I am saying.

A can’t imagine anyone mistaking a Malibu for anything other than a cheap something or another, but there are definitely people that are clueless. When I bought my NC Miata back in 06, I had gone in to buy a certified pre-owned Boxster and found it had severe issues and walked across the street and bought a new Miata.

For Russia the development of the pipeline to Europe has forced them to stay over there and serve the dual role of propping up the Assad government and trying to shore up relations, which let’s face it are not very good between them and the Arab world.

Open letter to politicians:

So, the question should have been which 993, 996, 997.1, 997.2 or 991 version should I buy? Not I’m 20 years old and can afford $80K to spend on a car. I have heard 911s are good, which one should I get?