He’s likely going to use some strategy and pick a soft target.
He’s likely going to use some strategy and pick a soft target.
Keeping some N95 masks at home (get fitted first) is a good idea for a number of situations, if it becomes a situation where a pandemic is the issue, soak it in bleach, dry it, and it does a damned fine job of keeping airborne diseases away.
A lensatic compass is a huge importance to any kit. An orienteering course is easy to find locally and of importance as well.
And, finally, I believe in redundancy when it comes to emergencies. Matches are great, but I’d also suggest having multiple fire-starting options. In my emergency bag, I have matches (I’d suggest making sure you get waterproof matches), a lighter, and a flint & steel. It’s good to have multiple options since fire is…
Flint & steel should be in every kit as well.
And a felon.
Or get food in #3.
If someone said that creepy shit to me they’d get pepper spray to the eyes.
Other than the fact you’ve decided to ignore situation #2 in your preparations.
Tampax also work in first aid scenarios. They’re highly absorbant and sterile.
Explain exactly why you want them. They are for the event that medical treatment isn’t available, and that you’ll come in if you get pneumonia. You’d be better off getting prescribed a narrow antibiotic for that anyways.
Both work great when you’re defending yourself against enemies that don’t have firearms...
Or buy a Lifesaver Jerrycan or Lifestraw Mission, and be able to purify 10,000L yourself.
You’re mistaking distilled and deionized. Distilled water is fine for human consumption, deionized can cause the issues you mention.
The water purification tablets are a good idea, but you are limited by what you can carry. I’d consider adding at minimum a lifestraw per person, good for 1000L per straw. If you want more capacity, consider replacing some of your water cubes with the Livesaver Jerrycan, it holds 18.5L and will purify 10,000L or…
Yeah, but you could use AppRadio for streaming the audio over USB. You then get all the app access as well.
One of my favourite videos of George W Bush’s presidency is the ESPN report on Bush throwing out the first pitch after 9/11.
Which headunit do you have?
My archaic iPad saw a decent improvement, my iPhone 7 is about the same.
I wonder how much of that is user dependent with APFS native deduplication.