
They’ve made it . .. super clear (so sorry) that the television universe and the cinematice universe are completely separate and will never cross over. While they could show him instead of all this other garbage I think the show (while a little cheesy) can hold it’s own and they should just stop mentioning him at all.

I still hope and dream that Kings will come back. I still hope and dream. I was so in love with that show.

This is like light saber handling 101 guys.

I was under the impression that he had no force present in him at all. He’s merely assuming the mantle of a sith lord but has no actual power. Not sure where I picked that up from but that theory is one of the popular ones that explains why his saber is so dodgy.

This thread is pretty old. Thanks for contributing though!

This thread is pretty old man. Thanks though?

This could be used to put drone pilots “inside” the drone. That’s scary.

Ugh that How I Met Your Mother finale though . . ..

You must be exhausted.


If she says no without all this: bullet dodged.

Yes of course! I just don't have the time or the stamina to play something for so long. I think it took me a couple years to finish mass effect in small doses.

Also I didn't mean to offend you are you going to be ok?

I know that's crazy! I wish I had that kind of time!!!

Oh no I'm just envious he has that kind of time!

30 hours!? O_O

Hahaha how's that complex treating you bro?!

Yeah me neither. I’m probably playing it wrong too because I’m just playing the game solo enjoying the story I’m creating! I don’t have any frame of reference for any of the other Star Trek games combat. But it feels really good to battle and things seem well balanced!

My computer is too old to run it but sometimes at work I jump into Star Trek Online and there’s enough there to fulfill my fantasies of living in that ‘verse! There's a lot to play now and so far it's been the right kind F2P!

*sigh* that's a great version. By far my favorite trek series. I loved DS9.