Nobody's gonna star you bro.
Nobody's gonna star you bro.
I’m not planning on letting my children play video games for a very long time. I know i’m in the minority but I’d really like to avoid the screens for as long as humanly possible!
Clicked for video of Bomb. I am disappoint.
OMG whale fossils on Pluto Half Life 3 confirmed!!!!
Or it comes free with the GOTY edition!
Is that for real? Cuz that would explain why we had to endure Sam and why he's gone now.
I don’t understand what the industry doesn’t get. WE DON’T WANT JAI COURTNEY HOLLYWOOD! PLEASE! STOP IT!
Hey are you gonna be ok? I heard that you were upset and calling people names over the Internet like a baby. Can I get you a bottle?
I feel like there's more going on with you than this article. Wanna talk about it?
I know it’s completely irrational but some of the cast’s behavior during interviews has completely turned me off to these movies and I use to love them. Still haven't seen AoU:(
Nah the movie division being a complete asshole to the TV division. “I wanna make MY announcement!!” “Movie division wait your turn . . .” “NO! Whaaaa!!!! It’s MY turn!!!”
What are you gonna do with that thing?
Please! We have the power to stop this! We can do it together!!!
Ugh that’s too bad. Are you doing that because your PC is spec’d too low or because the game port is bad?
I dunno why you people continue to do this to yourselves. This must be the most amazing game in the history of games to get you to pay for tiny expansions, bugs, and game breaking feature additions. Twice apparently!
You're part of the problem.
I don’t understand this game. It’s been almost a year of story after story about how the game is broken, or they patched in a bad feature, blah blah blah. Like what does it take for you people to walk away and find something you’ll really enjoy that’s not going to constantly ask you to keep paying to not have fun?
Doesn't look Deus Ex enough. Don't get me wrong its super awesome. But Deus Ex it up a bit sweetheart!
I'm saying it right now: I'm waiting for GOTY Edition. I've made up my mind. It's gonna be a long year!