Hell yes!!!!
Hell yes!!!!
-_- you get once chance Palm. If I go see this and it's not awesome then we can't be Internet stranger buddies! Ok? Ok!?
Well I don’t get it but ok.
I don’t understand the nano-bot stuff Transformers 4 and this is using. That’s not nearly as compelling to me as a nuts and bolts android killing machine. There’s just an implausibility to it because I’ve seen no evidence in the slightest of working on that scale where as we just had the DARPA challenge where they are…
I’m pretty sure he’ll give whatever opinion makes this film a success because he’s invested in some way other than just “seeing things he recognizes”. They're trying to revive the franchise perhaps with him as a paid consultant and/or co-director.Remember Spielberg loved the E.T. Atari game too.
*sigh* comedy is a lost art I guess.
While I don’t disagree with many of your points you used the term ‘garbage’ to describe some one’s hard work. I feel like you’re being defensive and what I’m saying is the author (sorry for the gender mismatch Nicole) is simply pointing out that her, you, and I could shout and yell and call names all day but in the…
Look I just want faster than light travel. I feel like that's not too damn much to ask for.
I think all he’s saying is that it’s subjective. He’s not asking you to give Bay a pass because we know how upset you get.
Oh that's cool! #notimpressed
I hate the white face plate-less armor. Just hate it.
You have won this day.
I’m still waiting for the JK Simmons helmed “Equalizer” esque show that will basically rocket him to the top of the old badass club. I mean look at this guy. I already feel like I did something wrong and I’ll fix it JK! I promise!! Just stop looking into my soul!!!
I hate those designs so much. They look like the very first iteration of infinity figures you’d find drawn on the inside of a crumpled piece of paper!
Most of us are prank human beings bro.
Summer disaster flick. No more, no less:P
Carla Gugino deserves better.
Yes! Totally gonna check this out! Thanks!
Hahaha I see what you did!!!
Oh bro. No:(