
:( Man that's a real bummer. I'd gladly pay for an Injustice style marvel fighting game on my console!:( What's sad is what you're seeing there is just formulas. It's just cold hard psychological social engineering! And it works on enough people to make this crap profitable. Kudos to you Fahey for being able to

Oh wow you have to leave the game entirely to learn about the story you're currently immersed in:( That's a little weird but also has 4th wall breaking potential. Are you directed to this info from within the game? Or asked to consult it in order to further a mission? Cuz that would be kinda cool. Kind of like pulling

Right? It's supposed to create this endless feedback loop that keeps the players coming back for more experiences within the game but really without a story and an over arching goal it just turns into a lot of work!

What was it five years and 250 mil just for production? They bought everything but a writer. I've not heard a SINGLE positive thing about the narrative or the lore of Destiny. You can say what you want about shooters or multiplayer but at the end of the day people need a story, a history they can adopt and a future

Uhm . .. what happened to the style of this game?

Uhm . .. what happened to this game?

No X1 digital download deals for Advanced Warfare yet:(

Ive never done Black Friday. But then again I'm not a big spender and I just personally don't like having a lot of stuff in my house. I usually wait until Cyber Monday for hopefully a deal on a game digital download. Would really like to see Advanced Warfare for 30 or 40 bucks for download!

No lense flares no ticket sale JJ! Don't you do this to me!!!

bummer. Picked up a couple of digital PS3 games last year! I guess I'll have to wait for cyber Monday AFTER the weekend. Pfffff.

Guys and Gals help me out with something. I'd like to get Advanced Warfare for the X1 but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get that deal as a digital download? I thought that was their thing that all games would have a digital version for download:( any ideas?

That, like the rest of Destiny, does nothing for me. BUT, I hope those who are enjoying it have fun!

I congratulated my sister on her birthday for surviving another year. We're so mean to each other. OMG . .. does this mean we like each other?! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

I'll take it! That's awesome!

How many points is there total? I'm definitely towards the bottom.

O_O hahaha

O_O i will be playing this.


I have NEVER been interested in Grand Theft Auto until THIS day. Gotta play this!

I would adore the opportunity to play as a Japanese assassin in 19th century Japan this art is amazing. I'll be DAMNED if I'm gonna play another AC game.